After many long weeks I finally had my first doctor appt! We were there almost 4 hours but finally saw the doc and had our first ultrasound. They said everything looked perfect! We saw the baby moving around and counted all its tiny fingers and toes - hard to believe it is only a little more than 2 inches long right now!
Just wanted to share the good news, espcially for those of you who - like me - are having to wait until late in the first tri for your doc visit.
Re: great first visit
Oh how exciting. I go next week for my first doctors appointment. He will do an u/s and so that is exciting. I will be 12 weeks next Tuesday when I go. So I feel your pain. It does make it kind of hard to wait. I have had this appointment scheduled since December 9th.
I'm so glad your first visit went so well. Congrats on seeing the baby ? fingers, toes and all.
I can't imagine waiting that long?I've already had two visits to my OB and I'm not at 12 weeks yet. I would never have waited that long (due to my age) but realize some ladies don't have a choice.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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Congrats and thanks for sharing! I'll be 12w3d when we go to our first appt...such a wait!
Question- when is your next appt. scheduled for?
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