This morning when I got to work there was a book on my desk called "Feathers from My Nest: A Mother's Reflections." There's a note inside the cover from one of my co-workers (I talk to her about life a lot... we're a lot alike, it seems, except that I'm about 30 years behind her) saying that this was one of her favorites and she hopes that I enjoy it before the baby gets here (while I've still got time to read). Kinda makes up for the others who seemed to develop diarrhea of the mouth once they found out I was pg.
Unfortunately it looks like one of those books that's going to make me cry a ton now that I have zero control over that function.
Re: Aw - Thoughtful co-workers do exist!
That was so nice of her. Mine are pretty understanding too. There are 4 of us pregnant at work.
I do have to say GO STEELERS though!!
That IS really sweet!
Only one of my coworkers?my BROTHER?would ask me when I'm gonna get fat. Work for my family business.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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That was very nice of her!