1st Trimester

My turn for m/s

I was doing pretty well with only some mild food aversions but this morning at work I have had mild nausea, gradually getting worse.  I haven't had to actually get sick yet but my stomach is not happy.  Of course this is the one day I forgot to pack crackers and ginger ale.  Fortunately my boss, kind person that she is, is going to pick me up some while she's out on lunch.

 How are the rest of you ladies doing today?

Re: My turn for m/s

  • I just started to experience m/s yesterday. Mild nausea all day but pretty controlled by eating small snacks. Woke up this morning with the same thing. My back has been killing me since week 5 as well. Hanging in there though. Hope everyone is staying warm today. It was -5 when I had to go for my ultrasound this morning.
    BFP #1 12/18/08 DD born 8/28/09 BFP#2 Due 7/17/12 MC 11/15/11 at 5 weeks..We have an Angel looking over us. BFP#3 2/27/12 EDD 11/4/12 Beta #1 @ 12dpo 51.2 Beta #2 @ 14dpo 150.4 1st US with HR of 144. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • I can't get enough to eat today and I am feeling nautious more often.  I think I may run out of my snacks too:-( TGIF!!
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  • TGIF indeed!!!!!
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