1st Trimester

NBR - Anyone see Marley & Me?? or Bedtime Stories?

My youngest son, Gavin, will turn four this coming Monday. We have plans for his b-day, but are also taking him and his little cousin to a movie of his choice this weekend. He wants to see one of those 2 movies and I just wondered how they were and if they are age appropriate for two 4 year olds.

Re: NBR - Anyone see Marley & Me?? or Bedtime Stories?

  • I saw Marley & Me and loved it...there were  a few kids there, but I don't know if it is really a movie for 4 year olds.  Also <<<spoiler alert>>> the dog dies at the end and everyone in the theater was sobbing for the last 45 minutes of the movie
  • I would think Bedtime Stories more appropriate for 4 year olds.

    M&M was more geared to life changes and such that adults faces.  It just has a cute doggy in it.

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  • I've seen both (DH and I are ridiculous like that, and tend to love the kiddie movies).

    I would go for Bedtime Stories, it's cute and the kids will probably laugh their heads off. There were kids at Marley and Me when we went, but they pretty much all walked out upset or crying.

  • i havent seen bedtime stories but did see M&M--- there were a TON of kids there---- and pretty much a lot of them went home in tears (including dh and i both) --- i was sobbing like no other (may not be recommended when pregnant)---awesome movie though and a must see--- i just don't know how your kids would react--- a lil girl was sobbing histerically and continued well after the movie was over!
  • I haven't seen either but I've read Marley and Me and know about it. It is not a kids movie. Bedtime Stories will be your better bet as it really is a kids movie.


    ***********Spoiler Alert-Do not read if you don't want a spoiler*****************


    Also, the pp is right about the dog dying at the end. Additionally, the couple in the movie goes through trying to get pregnant and having a family and there is a miscarriage scene. There's no way I would see that movie while pregnant. It's just too much emotion right now.

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  • OMG THANKS GOODNESS I asked!!! I appreciate the spoiler. We will be seeing bedtime stories. We acutally have a chocolate lab and my best friend has a chocolate and a yellow that looks just like marley, so that is what drew my son in. i also saw where 'hotel for dogs' is coming out. it's a kid movie, i believe.
  • imagemargeincharge2:

    ***********Spoiler Alert-Do not read if you don't want a spoiler*****************

     Additionally, the couple in the movie goes through trying to get pregnant and having a family and there is a miscarriage scene. There's no way I would see that movie while pregnant. It's just too much emotion right now.

    i had forgotten about that- yes that was akward- especially since we saw it when i was only 6 weeks pregnant--- it was very scary and dh just grabbed my hand and squeezed it--- wanted to cry

  • We took my 6 year old SS to see both. He liked both, but the pp is right the end is sad. For a 4 year old, I would say Bedtime Stories. He also love Madagascar 2. I did too :)
  • Bedtime Stories is a really cute but funny movie.
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