1st Trimester

date change from sonogram...confused!!

So I had my nuchal sonogram today and I measured at 13 weeks and 2 days. That is a week earlier from my due date. They said that they do not change the due date unless it is a 10 days difference


I am so confused!! Do I keep the 12 weeks or 13 weeks?


It makes perfect sense though because I woke up this week feeling amazing. I had m/s for 6 weeks,.... Hello 2nd tri!!!

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Re: date change from sonogram...confused!!

  • they just told you -- don't change it. babies don't grow exactly like clockwork. yours is just a little big right now. chill.
  • Looks like we're due the same day!! At my u/s on Monday, the baby measured 12 wks 6 days but my due date is still July 30th. I would keep it the same.
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  • I would stick with the 12 weeks for now.  If your doctor changes it, then adjust.  It would be way too frustrating if you got to your due date and you thought you were overdue because you had adjusted your own due date at 12 weeks, but your doctor hadn't.

    I thought baby's grown was remarkably consisten in the first trimester and that's why they're able to use an ultrasound to date the pregnancy?  (ie, I don't think that at that age babies grow at different rates.)

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  • My EDD from LMP is May 31. According to an 8-week ultrasound, baby is due May 30. According to a 16-week ultrasound, baby is due May 24. My doctor hasn't changed my due date either because she only moves it if the difference is greater than 10 days. So I'd stick with your original date.
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