1st Trimester

First Trimester Insanity!

I am in my 6th week and to be quite honest, I don't feel much different than I did prior to becoming pregnant.  I am a little more tiered, and my lower back/hips are quite achy, but other than that no other symptoms.  I don't have any signs of morning sickness.  Is this normal?  Not that I want to be sick...but at least I would feel something!  This is my first pregnancy, so I'm probably just a little paranoid!  Thanks! 

Re: First Trimester Insanity!

  • Every girl is different!   We are some of the lucky ones! :)
  • i still feel like i am not pregnant- just bloated with no period!
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  • I know exactly what you mean! I told DH yesterday that it still doesn't feel real (aside from the fact that I've gone up one cup size already)! I actually had an extra HPT, so I did it yesterday just for a little reassurance!!

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  • Oh what I would give to be pregnant and feel "normal" again. Remind me...what does normal feel like again??? I'd say thank your lucky stars that you don't have m/s. About 75% of women get it, so maybe you'll be one of the lucky 25% that doesn't!!! Mine started around week 5 and got worse from there. I've heard a lot of women say theirs doesn't start until week 7 or 8...
  • I don't really have symptons either ~~  I am at 5 weeks.  Just a bit of burn in my stomach.  I wake up cautiously each day to see what awaits.  SO anxious for our 2/9 appt!  Hopefully the 'ease' of this lasts!
  • I totally know how you feel! I've taken three HPT just be absolutely sure. Yes, I am completely paranoid. I'm around 5-6 weeks as well. Mostly just tired and cranky. I'm just trying to relax and enjoy it though. The calm before the storm!
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  • I'm the exact same way. ?
  • You're not alone! I always feel bad when I read up on others talking about m/s.  I have had no vomiting at all and I'm just past six weeks. I'll feel slightly queasy when I get up in the morning plus not have much of an appetite, but I do eat breakfast, and then I am totally fine.  My biggest problem is the fatigue because I haven't had an uninterrupted night of sleep in about two weeks.  I have larger breasts and have been procrastinating on getting a bigger bra (sigh) - I love camis right now, no need for a bra.  Two pants that were already tight before I got pregnant are VERY tight right now and I'll unbutton them when I need to....need a Bella band soon!
    DS born 2009
    BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
    BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
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