I tried to post an actual poll that would calculate percentages but was having trouble. I think it would interesting to know the age range:
Are you:
Under 20?
20 Something?
30 Something? I am 30 Something
40 Something?
50 Something? It is possible
Re: Poll: Age range on 1rst Trimester Board
look at the birds | bless this food
TTC#1 Chart
TTC#2 Chart
IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09)
med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
I will too. I'm 36. Where are my fellow 30 somethings? I know you are out there.
This is fun.
Same here, we were married 8/16/08 this is our first together, our son is 6.
we got married on the same day!
When the baby is born, I'll be 39 and DH will be 38.
We're old.
But not so old in that it's unusual in this area. In my area of New Jersey, I'd say the majority of women don't have children until their 30s. Perhaps not the late 30s like me (but I didn't meet the DH until Oct. 2006) but the 30s is the norm here.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!