So FI and I are going to look at a getting a new (used) car tomorrow (we've been looking around for a while and know exactly what we want but haven't physically gone to the dealer yet) and we can't agree on when to go during the day.
He wants to go as soon as they open at 9:00am. I say that makes us look too eager, and I also feel like a salesman would be more willing to negotiate on price & terms toward the end of the day, especially if he hasn't closed a deal all day (or week, or whatever length of time) - just so that he can sell something.
Anyone have any experience with or opinions on this situation? Thanks!
Re: NBR: Buying a Car
So it sounds like maybe we should go in the morning after all... but perhaps let them wait a week or two (until the end of the month) with our offer.
Car shopping with FI is so frustrating, he doesn't seem to have a lot of patience (he keeps talking about "So if we get the car Saturday then next week we can [whatever]"... umm, I do not plan on signing the first day I go to the dealership, hon), and on top of that he doesn't seem like he knows a ton about negotiating and financing and all (even though he likes to act like he does). I was actually halfway excited about going tomorrow until today (we both have cars that run, I don't really see the dire need to get a new one right now but he's been looking around and talking about it for months and I caved). Now I'm kinda dreading it.
However, we are still paying off his SUV - and probably will be for a bout another 1 1/2 years. I was hoping to only have one car payment at a time...but wonder if we should just bite the bullet and get a new one now a) before baby comes, and b) while there are such good deals. *hmmmm*
That's pretty much where we're at. I have a 2003 Suzuki and he has a 2004 or 2005 Jeep Cherokee. He always says he thinks his Jeep is a "deathtrap" and that we neeeeed a new car because of the baby. But, he still has about 1-2 years left to pay off his Jeep, and I really don't want to have 2 payments, nor am I hot on the idea of rolling that payment into the new loan. My dad sided with FI, though, saying that if we can afford it now, we should do it now. So I gave in and now it's stressing me out.