1st Trimester

Prenatal Vitamins

I am pregnant with my first-I haven't been to the doctor yet. However, I did read that I could start taking prenatal vitamins before seeing my doctor. Well, I bought over the counter prenatal vitamins. I went to my general care doctor for somthing unrelated and brought up the fact that I was severe diahria several times a day. She informed me that this was not a symptom of pregnancy and possible a symptom of something serious. Before she refered me to a specialist she suggested I change my prenatal viatamin. I am now taking the tandom vitamin and I feel much better now. I'm not having the severe cramping that I was having and no more diahria. This just proved to me even the insignificant things can be changed to help me feel more comfortable and have a happier pregnancy!! Smile

Re: Prenatal Vitamins

  • I don't know if I'm just lucky, or what, but I seem to be the only one without prenatal vitamin issues. ?I have been taking them for the last year and a half - the bottle, and my doctor, actually say it is good for women all throughout their reproductive years ("before, during, and after conception"), and have had zero issues. ?Also, the iron has been keeping my anemia in check, so that could be the other reason.

    For a cheap tip, if you can tolerate them, get the Member's Mark brand at Sam's Club - 350 pills for under $10. ?The Target brand pills worked well for me as well.

    Are there any other ladies without the prenatal issues? ?I feel so bad for all of you that do!?

  • I don't think I'm having any issues, except that it's sometimes hard to get them down b/c they're so big. I started taking them a few months before TTC, so I assume if I had any related symptoms I would seen them then. I read they can make m/s worse, and it's okay to stop taking them for a few weeks if it helps, but I didn't confirm that with my dr.

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  • Like Meg, I started taking prenatals before TTC and the first week or so I was taking them, my stomach was affected (cramps, mild diarrhea) but once my body adjusted, I did just fine.

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  • I have trouble swallowing the bigger pills, so I got mini pills. I take four aspirin sized pills a day. I also have a gluten intolerence so I had to find a pill that was gluten free. I'm taking the Freeda ones. I bought them from like koshervitamins.com or something like that.
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