Sorry ladies, I am big time behind today. I can't get to the list from work- I store it on my home computer because the monitor what we do. I will try to post something later, but for sure tomorrow morning.?
I had a crap-tastic day. I was exhausted by 10:30 this morning, my students weren't listening to me at all, and I almost got sick driving home this evening. I hope everyone else's day was better!
I'm feeling great today, knock on wood. Looking forward to a long weekend, gotta love stock market holidays! Now if it would only warm up...all I'm asking for is anything above zero degrees.
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I too have had a crappy day. I am just exhausted. The whole city is pretty much shut down because of the cold and there is no school. It just makes it difficult because we need to figure out what to do with my ss. There is no school again tomorrow.
I feel really bad about not having the list updated. I have it on my PC and am on the lap top right now. I will get it updated tonight- I promise ?
not such a good day....went for u/s today and they couldn't find anything but a sac...they think maybe my dates are off. more blood work was ordered and I need another u/s on the 26th. so, I'm a little worried.
anyway, how are you?
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally
I too have had a crappy day. I am just exhausted. The whole city is pretty much shut down because of the cold and there is no school. It just makes it difficult because we need to figure out what to do with my ss. There is no school again tomorrow.
I feel really bad about not having the list updated. I have it on my PC and am on the lap top right now. I will get it updated tonight- I promise
Wow, no school....I wish I lived there. It is crazy cold here too, but no chance of closing school. Thank goodness for inservice tomorrow and then a 4 day weekend.
It's -31 degrees celsius outside today but I was brave and took the metro and actually had a decent day! I'm feeling a little crampy but pretty good all around. Just praying this baby sticks...
Just to let you know if you didn't access the previous post, I was hoping to be added to the list.
I'm feeling pretty good. I had the day off and used my time to do some housework and browse the internet in search of all that baby stuff I will need in 9 months! Still no m/s so I couldn't be happier.
I'm doing okay. I'm going on day 12 of on/off bathroom runs (not throwing up but on the toilet nevertheless). I'm pretty sure it's related to this pregnancy, but I certainly didn't have this with DD. Students had off today here too due to the -30 degree temp., but staff had to go in. That's alright because we won't have to make up that day in June. We also have off tomrrow because of -40 temps..and that day we will have to make up! Time to go and drink some hot chocolate and snuggle with DH under the blankets!
i'd like to be added to the list as well, pretty please.
i have a lot of pulling like sensations in my uterus today, which always makes me worry but i am sure everything is fine. i have been very very cranky. i can't wait to get an u/s so i know everything is going well
The thought of eating healthy food makes me nauseous. Other than that, I'm ok! Busy trying to hide my massive chest. (I work at a special needs school).
I too have had a crappy day. I am just exhausted. The whole city is pretty much shut down because of the cold and there is no school. It just makes it difficult because we need to figure out what to do with my ss. There is no school again tomorrow.
I feel really bad about not having the list updated. I have it on my PC and am on the lap top right now. I will get it updated tonight- I promise
Don't sweat the's hard work being full time pregnant AND full time worker!
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Doing ok. I had an u/s today and we saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac. Hoping to have a follow up next week and get to see the HB. Fingers crossed!!
Oh and please don't worry about the list, if we miss it here and there it is ok!
I had a crap-tastic day. I was exhausted by 10:30 this morning, my students weren't listening to me at all, and I almost got sick driving home this evening. I hope everyone else's day was better!
Bellabella, I am a teacher too! I felt the same about my students today as well. Now I feel as if I just I should just get up and walk out!! Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. Send them back!!
Today was a so-so day...felt queasy all day. And DH has a stomach bug, so was trying to take care of him without getting too close. It's only 7:30, and I'll be lucky to be awake at 8!
BTW, you're doing great sunshinegirl...I'm not sure I could manage to work, take care of the family, and keep the Sept Sweet Peas going!
BFP 1/19/12 No heartbeat at 7w4d 3rd dose Cytotec 3/1/12 *PGAL/PAL Welcome* My Ovulation Chart
Im doing okay, checked in with the doc today he said i could have an u/s in 3 weeks. im only 5 weeks (on sat) it rele put me down to only be that far along and im a lil overwhelmed by it all! ahhh welll
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Doing pretty good. We had two u/s -- one last friday where we saw the gestational sac and then one yesterday where we saw the heart beating away at 116bpm! I cried, it was amazing. I can't believe there is a nother living human (well, growing) inside of me. It is amazing. My symptoms have been strong -- and my m/s comes and goes everyother day. So, I am prepared for tomorrow to be a hard one again!
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Nausea, but no throwing up; lots of pee breaks; very regular; lots of hunger; lost another pound!
I think I'm used to the morning routine post-sleep, so I'm going to start Gaiam's PreNatal Yoga with Shiva Rea. ?I miss my Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss DVD!?
Hi All! I don't have very many symptoms yet, I am surprised to see how many of you have m/s. . ..I have been feeling queasy, but that is it. . .I do not want to go to work today though :-(
Re: *~* September Sweet Peas *~*
Im doing good. For the past 2 days my m/s subsided. I don't know if I should feel worried or blessed.
How are you doing?
I too have had a crappy day. I am just exhausted. The whole city is pretty much shut down because of the cold and there is no school. It just makes it difficult because we need to figure out what to do with my ss. There is no school again tomorrow.
I feel really bad about not having the list updated. I have it on my PC and am on the lap top right now. I will get it updated tonight- I promise
not such a good day....went for u/s today and they couldn't find anything but a sac...they think maybe my dates are off. more blood work was ordered and I need another u/s on the 26th. so, I'm a little worried.
anyway, how are you?
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally
Wow, no school....I wish I lived there. It is crazy cold here too, but no chance of closing school. Thank goodness for inservice tomorrow and then a 4 day weekend.
It's -31 degrees celsius outside today but I was brave and took the metro and actually had a decent day! I'm feeling a little crampy but pretty good all around. Just praying this baby sticks...
Just to let you know if you didn't access the previous post, I was hoping to be added to the list.
Kat, Sept. 20
I would like to be added to the list also! I too am Sept 20th.
I'm doing okay. I'm going on day 12 of on/off bathroom runs (not throwing up but on the toilet nevertheless). I'm pretty sure it's related to this pregnancy, but I certainly didn't have this with DD. Students had off today here too due to the -30 degree temp., but staff had to go in. That's alright because we won't have to make up that day in June. We also have off tomrrow because of -40 temps..and that day we will have to make up! Time to go and drink some hot chocolate and snuggle with DH under the blankets!
i'd like to be added to the list as well, pretty please.
i have a lot of pulling like sensations in my uterus today, which always makes me worry but i am sure everything is fine. i have been very very cranky. i can't wait to get an u/s so i know everything is going well
Doing well. Felt pretty good the last couple days. Bathrooms runs and hunger has picked up, but that's fine.
heavy nausea has set it, but on the bright side, I had my first OB appt today, and the next is set up for 3.5 weeks from now and we will get an u/s!
Oh yeah...forgot to mention...I can't even get into my kitchen to cook w/o feeling pukey because last night's dishes werent done....
Don't sweat the's hard work being full time pregnant AND full time worker!
Doing ok. I had an u/s today and we saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac. Hoping to have a follow up next week and get to see the HB. Fingers crossed!!
Oh and please don't worry about the list, if we miss it here and there it is ok!
I feel the exact way!
Bellabella, I am a teacher too! I felt the same about my students today as well. Now I feel as if I just I should just get up and walk out!! Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking good thoughts for you. Send them back!!
Today was a so-so day...felt queasy all day. And DH has a stomach bug, so was trying to take care of him without getting too close. It's only 7:30, and I'll be lucky to be awake at 8!
BTW, you're doing great sunshinegirl...I'm not sure I could manage to work, take care of the family, and keep the Sept Sweet Peas going!
*PGAL/PAL Welcome*
My Ovulation Chart
freezing in Pittsburgh, PA!!
Can I be added to the list - due date 9/11. I'll update my ticker after 1st Dr visit (2/9) Thanks!
Nausea, but no throwing up; lots of pee breaks; very regular; lots of hunger; lost another pound!
I think I'm used to the morning routine post-sleep, so I'm going to start Gaiam's PreNatal Yoga with Shiva Rea. ?I miss my Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss DVD!?
Please add me to the list EDD 09/14.
So far I'm feeling so much better than I did with my first pregnancy. I am a bit tired and have been having lots of heartburn.
i am good today, yesterday was horrible. we had dinner at Fuddruckers and i dry heaved the whole way home! Fuddruckers is officially banned!!
i am traveling out of the country next week, and hope that makes the time until my first appoinment fly by!