1st Trimester

Spotting and scared-anyone have this?

I started spotting a very small amount of light pink blood that turned brownish this afternoon, and I was having mild cramps earlier this week.  (None today).  I am absolutely terrified and can't stop crying.  Has anyone else had this and gone on to have a normal healthy baby?  I emailed my doctor and will probably have to wait till morning for a reply.


With my first pregnancy this never happened, but it also resulted in a missed miscarriage.


Any comfort would be so appreciated

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Re: Spotting and scared-anyone have this?

  • brown spotting is usually just old blood.  Why dont you call a nurses line and ask them
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  • I had pink spotting on and off from 6-10 weeks.  GL!
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  • my first pregnancy (2007) ended in miscarriage at about 7-8weeks, but i was consistently spotting brown for 2 weeks.

    this time around i'm currently 8 weeks, and i've spotted intermittently. i've also had cramps.  yesterday was my first appt. and i saw a healthy heartbeat.  

    the best you can do is just relax...  b/c if you worry it'll effect you physically.  so far, this pregnancy...  when i spot or cramp i just take it easy...   relax...  lay down, and it gets better. 

    my sisterinlaw tells me to not exercise in the first trimester, so as much as i want to...   i don't.  i'm just trying to keep it simple. 

  • I called my mom (a nurse) who said it's normal, but God, I can't relax.  I have very few symptoms so this on top of that is scary.
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  • About a week ago I woke up to a little pink spotting that quickly turned brown.  Very little spotting, but def. there. I freaked. I had also been cramping for a week or so before that, but wasn't then so that was good. I had an u/s that day and we got to see the baby and heartbeat at 6w2d and everything was fine. So far so good. Good luck!
  • I remember having heavy spotting (bright red blood) around 8 weeks w/DD.  I remember sobbing hysterically thinking I was having a miscarriage.  I put my feet up and rested like the nurses told me to and after a couple of days it stopped.  I never had spotting again after that and I went on to have a healthy baby girl born at 37 weeks!
  • Try to relax. I know how hard it can be to worry so much about a miscarriage, I had on in October and have had my scares with this pregnancy too. So far in this pregnacy i have been spotting on and off from week 4-7. Thankfully I havent spotted any in week 8 or 9. I had my first appointment last friday and saw a healthy heartbeat, thank god. So just try to relax. Put your feet up and go to bed early!


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  • It happened to me last pregnancy and, as you can see from my siggy pic, I ended up with a perfect, beautiful daughter:). ?I was scared out of my mind and cried my eyes out, too. ?It also happened to me this pregnancy, and I just saw the heartbeat yesterday.

    You'll get some peace of mind if you call your doctor's office, so don't hesitate to give them a call. ?That's what they are there for.?

  • i too have had some rather heavy bright red bleeding off and on since week 6, and before that spotting of pink to brownish blood..and therefore have had oodles of bloodwork and 2 ultrasounds already (only 9 wks along)..everything has been fine with all the tests so far...i have been on bedrest now for almost a week, and that has seemed to help somewhat...i understand your fears/anxiety as i too have the same! try to stay positive and relax..i know, easier said than done!

    in things that i have read, and i am also a nurse, spotting is somewhat normal in the beginning (and mild cramping too) as the egg is implanting..i'm sure you have read this somewhere by now..the one thing that i did learn this week in my endless research (and worry) is that when the placenta is delevoping (weeks 8-10 roughly) bleeding can also happen..

    good luck!

  • I just went through this last week...this is my second pregnancy and I had no bleeding with my first one.  I was in my twelfth week and I had really bad low abdominal pain and sometimes it got really sharp...at one point it hurt really bad and I doubled over and felt a gush and ran to the bathroom...it was bright red blood! I called the doc and immediately went to the hospital.  I was certain I was miscarrying and was so upset!  They did an ultrasound and blood work.  The ultrasound showed the baby to be fine and I looked okay as well.  The bleeding didn't last long but I continued to spot brown for the next two and a half days and then it stopped.  Went to my doc this past monday to hear the heartbeat and everything is fine!  They said that 30% of women bleed during their pregnancy even though everything is okay.  Keep your head up!  I was dead set that I was miscarrying and lo and behold everything turned out okay!
  • Well, you could be gushing bright red blood every few days or so like me and sending lots of fun time in the hospital and on bed rest. Relax. Your not going to do you or your baby any good by getting all upset about it!
  • Don't worry.  I have been spotting red, pink, ando brown since last week and I have been on bed rest ever since.  Last night and today, no spotting which makes me very happy!  However, now I'm cramping a little.  I go no my next appt. on Monday.  As far as for your case, I'm sure you are fine.  Think positive. Big Smile 
  • I know it's hard not to worry, but ditto what the PP have said.  I had red blood w/a clot @8wks, then pink, then brown spotting for ~2 weeks.  I just heard the baby's heartbeat @12 wks and everything looks to be on track.

     However, when I had spotting I called my OB's office and they moved my initial appt. up to the next day.  Give the office a call and maybe you can get an earlier appt. or at least talk to a nurse to help calm your nerves.  Best of luck and happy baby thoughts Big Smile

  • When I was at 6 weeks I passed some bloody tissue (gross, i know) and went to the ER. They did an ultrasound, but said it was to early and they didnt think anything of it. It happened again about a week later, but I didnt think anything of it. Well..today we heard a great heartbeat and everything seems great now.

    Try not to worry, but if you want, go to the ER if you cant get an appt. It will help ease your mind and give you some answers..and maybe an ultrasound! Smile

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