I'm 6 weeks along and I've noticed that I've been getting a little wetter down under that usual. I'll be seeing my doctor in the upcoming week, but I was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and is it normal?
lol yepp. Invest in panty liners.. they will be your best friend! Just wait until you start pissing on yourself when your laugh, sneeze, cough too hard, and throw up. Thats when the fun starts!
Yep. And I heard it gets worse too. I just use panty liners because its been happening way more. Its a good thing though. It helps to get you ready to deliver the baby down the road. Softents the cervix or something like that. GL
Re: Moist down there
Get used to it. It just gets more and more umm interesting?
lol yepp. Invest in panty liners.. they will be your best friend! Just wait until you start pissing on yourself when your laugh, sneeze, cough too hard, and throw up. Thats when the fun starts!
lol!!!! thats the perfect description!
But yeah, you'll have lots of discharge and wetness.
And for the record, I am so not looking forward to peeing myself.
two words. panty liners.