1st Trimester


Hey Everyone!  According to my LMP (Nov 23) I am 7w1d pregnant with my first baby.  Because my OB goes by the date of my LMP I have my first appointment with u/s on the 23rd of this month.  I am not expecting to hear the heartbeat because I don't think I'm that far along.  The reason I say that is because my LMP was also the last month I was on the pill.  I had BFN on Dec 28 and Jan 2 and then four BFP (yay!) since Jan 11.  If I were as far along as they think I feel like at least one of the first two HPT would have been positive.  Anyway...I say all that to ask this...if we don't hear a heartbeat, do most doctors have you come back in a couple of weeks to check again?  With this being my first pregnancy I am a little nervous.  I'm also nervous because my doctor told me to try and not get pregnant my first month off birth control because of a higher rate of MC.  Oh well...keeping my fingers crossed!

Re: Heartbeat

  • its a little early to hear the heartbeat, you might see it on an u/s. and dont freak, i got pg while ON b/c.
  • I got pregnant the first week being OFF..and everything is fine!

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  • Speaking from experience, you can hear the heartbeat with an internal u/s as early as 6 wks, but not with a doppler for a few weeks more.  With our first we went about 5-8 wks and did not hear hb, we went back in 10 days and there was a hb.  Do not worry if you do not hear one at first, yes the 10 days seems like a lifetime but stay positive!  I am sure everything will work out! 

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