We went for an u/s today. I'm supposed to be over 6 weeks based on my chart (link in siggy). I had very little spotting on CD33/34. My OB told me to go to the ER...blood HCG was 48. Nothing to see on the u/s at that point but that was to be excpected. I continued to have my HCG levels drawn every other day until last Monday. The level was 650+ so my OB told me I could stop getting my blood drawn and just wait for the u/s today. So, they only saw a sac on the u/s that the tech said was measuring 5w2d. Did anyone have this happen to them? I'm freaking out as everyone is telling me to relax...it's fine. I went to get my levels drawn again today...and I have to get another on Saturday. Another u/s in 10 days.
What do you think?
Re: Very worried.
i'm not sure what i can say that will make you feel better but i am sending lots of positive thoughts your way. at 7w1d my baby only measured 8.1 mm, that is less than a cm so perhaps your little one is just so tiny the tech couldn't get a clear picture of her in the sac. i would think that if she dated the sac and your levels are rising everything is just fine...i know it is worrisome and nothing can really stop you from worrying. try not to be stressed out, keep your thoughts positive and try and distract yourself with things you enjoy doing.
lots of luck and best wishes for you
Mayby you ovulated later than you think. My OB wouldn't even do an u/s until my hgc levels reached the 50,000 to 100,000 mark.
I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry.