
Too much amniotic fluid??

Hi, Ladies....I am more of a lurker than a 'post-er', BUT I am seeking some advice for my sanity.  I am 27 weeks pregnant with twin girls.  I just had an ultrasound done this week and one of my babies has an 'abnormally high' amount  (Numbers weren't given) of amniotic fluid.  Both girls are measuring the same and have the same weight (2 lbs, 7 ounces). At first my OB thought it may be connected to diabetes (I failed the one hour glucose test).  But I took the 3 hour glucose test today and my levels were in range.  Unfortunately, my OB wasn't in today to answer my question so I have to wait until tomorrow.  But to ease my panic--Has anyone ever experience this?  Of course, my mind races off to the worst of the worst!  Any insight would be appreciated! :)

Re: Too much amniotic fluid??

  • I am no help I am sorry but one of my girls did have a high level of fluid and one had a low level.  The doctors where not concerned with the high level only the lower level.  I had to deliver at 33 weeks because the level was to low.  Good luck.

  • someone posted about this on 3rd tri the other day.
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  • Yup I had it and of course freaked myself out with checking it out on Google. Both my boys were PERFECT and I had nothing to worry about. I can't remember the exact number right now but I was way about the normal amount. I did not have GD and everytime I got an U/S they always asked if I had it. Nope just a whole bunch of extra fluid. 

    Try and not worry :) I know easier said than done but the babies will be fine :)

  • I have no experience with this, but I just wanted to say congrats, welcome and good luck. 
  • Thank you ladies. I appreciate your advice!  :)  I will try NOT to worry.
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