omg, that suuuucks. i havent gotten one while i have been pg. call your dr and ask for a rx of acyclovir if she will give it to you... that shiit is a life saver, it will make it go away in 2 days instead of the usual 10. really, that blows.
Well this is the entirely weird thing about it. No tingling no pain no nothing just a humpy bumpy on my lip. I spent a few minutes recalling whether or not I accidentally bit my lip and lost the memory in a sudden and acute Pregnancy Amnesiac Moment SAPAM if you will and well nothing came back so our deduction is that it is a cold sore.
I was always one of those evil carriers who watched her friends get mowed down by the ugly cold sores after sharing lipstick in HS. Was immune. Is this some sort of lipstick karma coming back to bite me in the lip? If I promise to go and buy Nars and Bobbi Brown sticks tonight will I be excused and forgiven??
I think that your immune system might be weakened. I never got a cold sore or fever blister then a week before my wedding BAM a fever blister on the inside of my lip. Maybe extra stress brought it on?
Or your baby is an inutero hussy and you caught herpes from her.
I think maybe she just means that since hormones are all out of wack during pg, the herpes virus decided to surface on her. I don't think anyone really knows exactly why they come up but stress and sunlight are two factors that I've heard of.
My best friend, my husband, my everything Matthew Kevin 7/31/83-7/20/11
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos) Day Three
Um yes, my two degrees and two diplomas do have me knowing that Herpes Zoster is actually Herpes 1 not Herpes II (commonly associated with Paris Hilton) and my faithful doctors' visits and blood panels throughout the last 36 years of my life did reveal some time ago that I have the markers for said virus but that I am thought to be immune to it as I had never experienced an actual cold sore before.?
Ummmm you DO know that "cold sores" are caused by the herpes virus and that your baby did not "cause" this.....
Baby, itself, no. I doubt BabyRed said hey let's tick off Ma today." But pregnancy causing them, yes, very likely. Cold sores are more common in women than men. Triggers for them include fatigue, stress (emotional and/or physical), cracked or chapped lips, menstruation, pregnancy, among others.
TTC since 2005.
DS via IVF - 02/10
Baby #2 - due 10/16/11
Thank you for your suggestions ladies. My husband will for SURE think I've lost all my marbles if I dose my lip in alcohol and then light a match......
oh my god that's my vision for the rest of the afternoon. LOVE IT!?
Approximately 80% herpes carriers (both type I & type II) are unaware that they have the virus because they have no symptoms or their symptoms are so mild that they do not make the connection (i.e. mouth sore looks like a mild zit, genital sore feels like yeast infection or just "dryness").
The stress of pregnancy and the weakening of you immune system can cause you to have a full-blown coldsore/"outbreak" when you have never had one before.
That being said, keep in mind that your first "real" coldsore is EXTREMELY contagious.
I have always gotten cold sores, and a week after (I think) I actually got knocked up I had TWO. one in the center of my top lip and one on the right side of my bottom lip, at the same time. I always get them when I get run down, sick or really stressed out, so in hindsight it doesn't surprise me that this happened. My new goal is to be very zen and avoid getting anymore.
I'm sorry to hear that you've gotten hit with one after all this time, with any luck it's a one time thing. Try Carmex, Abreva, or see if your dr. will write you a scrip for Zovirax, which is like magic cold sore go away medicine.
Oh hell no! You better start eating your apple stickers!
And be sure to tell about how you were covered in cold sores during pregnancy when you meet her prom date.
Well this is the entirely weird thing about it. No tingling no pain no nothing just a humpy bumpy on my lip. I spent a few minutes recalling whether or not I accidentally bit my lip and lost the memory in a sudden and acute Pregnancy Amnesiac Moment SAPAM if you will and well nothing came back so our deduction is that it is a cold sore.
I was always one of those evil carriers who watched her friends get mowed down by the ugly cold sores after sharing lipstick in HS. Was immune. Is this some sort of lipstick karma coming back to bite me in the lip? If I promise to go and buy Nars and Bobbi Brown sticks tonight will I be excused and forgiven??
I think that your immune system might be weakened. I never got a cold sore or fever blister then a week before my wedding BAM a fever blister on the inside of my lip. Maybe extra stress brought it on?
Or your baby is an inutero hussy and you caught herpes from her.
OMG I just spit out my diet coke. ROFL!!!
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
WOW what a fabulous FIRST Post for you. Stellar.
Um yes, my two degrees and two diplomas do have me knowing that Herpes Zoster is actually Herpes 1 not Herpes II (commonly associated with Paris Hilton) and my faithful doctors' visits and blood panels throughout the last 36 years of my life did reveal some time ago that I have the markers for said virus but that I am thought to be immune to it as I had never experienced an actual cold sore before.?
Thanks Autumn Bride!!
?I was referring to Plaid Brit choosing my cold sore post to post her first post on. I'm so chuffed and honoured.?
I see and appreciate. I guess that makes most Zoster carriers out there sluts by the time they are like 8 years old.
Oh and for the record - I prefer the term Wanton Trollop.?
Wanton Trollop is a great name for you, Red, we all saw Jelli smack your ass yesterday.
But really do you have to go saying things like wanton? I read wanton and I think, "mmmm, Chinese would be good about now." And I just finished lunch!
P.S. Sorry about the evil cold sore - I had one a couple weeks ago - I dabbed isopropyl alcohol on it twice a day. It crumbled off in no time.
Baby, itself, no. I doubt BabyRed said hey let's tick off Ma today." But pregnancy causing them, yes, very likely. Cold sores are more common in women than men. Triggers for them include fatigue, stress (emotional and/or physical), cracked or chapped lips, menstruation, pregnancy, among others.
Thank you for your suggestions ladies. My husband will for SURE think I've lost all my marbles if I dose my lip in alcohol and then light a match......
oh my god that's my vision for the rest of the afternoon. LOVE IT!?
Approximately 80% herpes carriers (both type I & type II) are unaware that they have the virus because they have no symptoms or their symptoms are so mild that they do not make the connection (i.e. mouth sore looks like a mild zit, genital sore feels like yeast infection or just "dryness").
The stress of pregnancy and the weakening of you immune system can cause you to have a full-blown coldsore/"outbreak" when you have never had one before.
That being said, keep in mind that your first "real" coldsore is EXTREMELY contagious.
I have always gotten cold sores, and a week after (I think) I actually got knocked up I had TWO. one in the center of my top lip and one on the right side of my bottom lip, at the same time. I always get them when I get run down, sick or really stressed out, so in hindsight it doesn't surprise me that this happened. My new goal is to be very zen and avoid getting anymore.
I'm sorry to hear that you've gotten hit with one after all this time, with any luck it's a one time thing. Try Carmex, Abreva, or see if your dr. will write you a scrip for Zovirax, which is like magic cold sore go away medicine.