1st Trimester

Hate the Waiting Game

I'm beginning to go crazy waiting for the 12 week mark.  At my last appointment, my OB let me know that I was too early to hear a heartbeat which is an important indication (obviously!) that everything is okay.  That was at the end of December and my next appointment when we'll finally get some answers isn't until the end of January.  I feel like I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting and I have no idea if this baby is okay.  I just heard from a friend who lost her baby at 12 weeks because the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks.  It's driving me nuts wondering if that could be happening to me.  Ugh! 

Re: Hate the Waiting Game

  • It is bothersome... I had to first wait two weeks after my missed AF to pee in a cup so the Army would believe I was pregnant, and now I'm waiting for them to refer me to another Hospital, because they don't take care of pregnancies. ?They told me if nobody calls me after two weeks to call the referral office back. ?Then, and only then, will I get my very first appointment, which will probably be two weeks after they call me. ?Hello!! ?I just want to meet my doctor already!
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  • You're ok, I'm ok, we're all ok! Don't worry you'll make it!
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  • Oh Dear!  That is really frustrating.  I can imagine you are anxious to meet your MD.  Annoying!
  • the best thing to do is relax...  think about what it was like in the old days when women didnt have the luxury of hearing h/b's. 

    if something is going to go wrong, you can't change what IS.  if your little is in there, surviving... the best thing you can do is relax and enjoy it. 

    i miscarried in 2007 and in retrospect, i'm glad it happened.  it'll make me appreciate my future kid more, and it made me realize how fragile life is.  i wouldnt take back what happened, as awful as that sounds.  you just have to embrace what happens and deal with it the best you can.  stop worrying!!  :>  

    yesterday i had my first appt. and heard a heartbeat for the first time.  it's a huge weight off BUT there is still a chance it wont be viable, so i'm just going with the flow...   whatever happens, will happen.   it's just a part of life.  dont let it drive you nuts.


  • Im with you lemondog!  The unknown is a pain!  I have our 12 week apt on Monday- and Im so excited its almost here!!!  FINALLY!
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