DH and I move around a lot and our closest friends and family live far away from us right now. My mom and BFF know that I'm pg, but as far as everyone else is concerned I feel weird about telling them over the phone.
I have this fantasy of just showing up in July all fat and pg and letting them work up the nerve to ask if I'm pg.
Am I insane, or is anyone else attempting this?
Re: For those of you who live far away from your Fam
i told my mom and bff over the phone cause i had no choice.
for everyone else i sent a funny card from someecards.com, cause it is fitting with my personality. it stinks to not be able to be around them, i especially wish i had my mom and dad here for the whole 9 months. but alas, i am alone with no family anywhere near.
do what feels right to you. there is no right and wrong for this
they would probably pretend to be hella pissed, but they are also cheap asses and would love any excuse not to throw a shower.
seriously MIL and SIL didn't attend by bridal shower. cheap hoes.
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
Maybe that's what bothers me, I found it creepy after we got engaged and random people were like "oh I heard you're getting married". I just don't like the idea of random people talking about me and analyzing,,, I come from a long line of snarky biznatches, as does DH so that explains a lot as well.
Yeah, I would post it on my facebook, but DH's family lives so far out in the boondocks they don't have internet service, and satellite internet is really expensive. Like I said, cheap hoes.
This is the reason I haven't told my mom yet. ?I hate not telling her, but I'm not ready for all of Texas south of San Antonio knowing just yet.?
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
"You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
All of our family & friends live about 12 hours away. So far only the parents know - told them over the phone. We'll email or call everyone else in a couple weeks.
It does stink not being able to tell them in person. With the last pg I happened to already have a trip home scheduled when I was just over 6 wks so I told them all then.
This time we won't be going home until May & they'd be really upset if I didn't tell them before that. Gez - my gma is probably already going to be a bit upset that I've been keeping this from her - we're very close. We just wanted to wait a bit longer this time due to the m/c. Plus if anyone wants to try to have shower for us - that's when it'll have to be - those 3 short days we'll be home in May for my brother's h.s. graduation.
My parents are in Florida and husband's mom is in Maryland (we are in Detroit, MI), so I feel your pain! We are going to tell our parents after I find out my "exact" due date. This is both of our parents' first grandchild so I wanted to make it really special. I bought a couple of baby items: bathrobe with "Here comes trouble" written on it, some baby booties, a baby bib that says "What happens at Grandma stays at Grandmas", and a grandma/pa coffee mug. I am making baskets with these items (mail it to them) and a card that asks for them to give us a call when they get the package. I thought this was a cute idea. Hope it helps.