Just checking in: How are you all feeling today? Any changes or updates you want to share? If you are suffering with morning sickness, how are you feeling? Has it gotten any better? Have you had or are scheduled to have another ultrasound?
Me: Feeling better today than I have all week (yeah!). No updates or changes. Morning sickness seems to be subsiding and I'm scheduled for my 12 u/s; NT scan tomorrow...
Re: All those who are over 12weeks and making the jump to 2nd tri next week:
I feel ok during the day now... still a little nauseas, but nothing I can't handle. Nothing sounds good to eat ever still. But the evening (starting around 6:30) is what kills me!! I throw up almost every other night & it's hard for me to fall asleep from all the nausea.
My last u/s was at 10 weeks & don't get another one until the big one at 21 weeks! NT scan is in about 3 weeks. I just can't wait to finally be in 2nd tri next week!!
Strangely - and thankfully - I never had morning sickness. I was tired in the evenings, and occasionally nauseated, but nothing a few crackers and some water couldn't fix.
We had a 7 wk ultrasound and an 11 week doppler experience to hear the heartbeat. We have another ultrasound and 1st trimester screen scheduled for week 16 - we'll do a 3D scan then as well. Everything seems to be right on target.
I feel no different now then i did when I found out I was pregnant. I have not experienced any morning sickness, vomitting, nothing...
I have my next ultrasound at 20 weeks for determining the sex of the baby and I will have no more after that. I had my NT scan yesterday and all looks great! the baby just about doubled in size in 2 weeks time...
Cant wait to move forward and finally hold my little teddy bear in my arms!
I'm feeling pretty good. Still tired and the occasional headache, but I'm really lucky to have felt as good as I have been!
No big changes, just waiting for this belly to look more like a baby and less like holiday indulgence!
We have an NT scan scheduled for the 30th. I'm so excited to see the little one again!
Glad to see that there are a few of us making the change next week!
I'm feeling good now!!! Some cramping sometimes and I still get tired. But, I have more energy than I did before and I have even started doing pilates and belly dancing again! Yeah! On the other hand, my boobs are more tingly than ever!!! I think they are growing again.....I'm not sad about it:) I don't have another dr.'s appointment until the 29th.
So far, the baby is doing good according to the 12 week u/s. And, apparently it has big feet!
I'm feeling pretty good! The nausea has mostly gone away. Still very tired but it is getting better
I just can't wait to start looking pregnant instead of just " chubby"