My DD is on an apnea montior (for apnea & low heartrate) & is also getting caffine daily. Just wondering how many other Moms had experience with this & how long it took before the little one was off of both....
Congrats on the birth of your beautiful daughter! My son was born at 28 weeks and came home after 70 days in the NICU on caffeine and a monitor. In the beginning he would have several bradys related to feeding. He just stopped taking the caffeine last week and they are coming to pick up his monitor today! He has been home almost 2 months. I hope that helps!
My experience has been that they allowed the girls to outgrow their caffeine dosage, but kept the apnea monitor until there were two downloads with no apnea episodes.
Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06
Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
The monitor really isn't too horrible. Thankfully my DD has been doing very well with it. I think the worst part is in the middle of the night trying to change her diaper without getting her little legs caught up in the wires! In a way I can't wait to get her off of it, but at the same time I like having it to know if she is having an episode. We go for our first visit to the pulmonologist on the 23rd. I'm hoping for good news. Are your boys on medication as well?
Re: Apnea & Caffine
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World
DS got caffeine pretty regularly for the first month or so, and as he outgrew the apnea spells, he didn't need it anymore.
My kids were on both for awhile - probably 4-6 wks.
The monitor really isn't too horrible. Thankfully my DD has been doing very well with it. I think the worst part is in the middle of the night trying to change her diaper without getting her little legs caught up in the wires! In a way I can't wait to get her off of it, but at the same time I like having it to know if she is having an episode. We go for our first visit to the pulmonologist on the 23rd. I'm hoping for good news. Are your boys on medication as well?