
need help PLEASE!

I got a stomach bug the other night...I vomited once (sorry tmi) and had a little loose stool (again sorry)...I was fine within 24 hrs (didn't have a fever throughout). I wasn't back to eating normal food...not hungry, and when I was regular food was too much and gave me CRAZY gas!

now it's almost 24 hrs after that and I got chills and dizzy... everyone jokes "are you pg?" but now I'm worried that that may be true.... I had some diareah today so that's what is saving me from breaking down and crying my head off...

To top it off today was 1st day of babysitting my friend's 3mo dd...I just called her and told her to come and get her b/c I think w/ the chills I have a temp....

The problem...I wouldn't mind being pg except I have an IUD and that would complicate things tremendously...


(my friend is bringing a pg test with her when she picks up her dd)


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