Mine all live so far away. NorthJ, MD, CO, CT, LI/NY. I actually think you guys live closer to me than my IRL friends!
I need to make some more local friends but I figure, I freaking work all the time anyway and weekends are always soaked up with family stuff that I'd just feel guilty about not gtg! Thank god for email.
I am feeling the same way lately... to be fair my BFF has a 4 month old, but jeez, I haven't seen some of my "girls" in a long time. Maybe it's time to organize a girls night out!
*Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009*
why do you think i come here!? my friends all live out of town and have busy lives and like T said - weekends are packed with family stuff. i know i probably should venture out more but this small town stuff - it's a little tough to break in.
Me and my girls are all spread out from different parts of TX to Hawaii. I have a good friend that lives right next door to me and we hang out every few months! It's crazy!
If it makes you feel better, I don't see anyone. Between my work schedule and family functions, and the fact that my BFFs are far away (SoNJ, Chicago, Rockaway, Brooklyn), we see each other only a few times a year. Ditto viva: thank god for email.
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11
Lana - these Giants losers are making the hike to my house for our Eagles Victory meal. That's right - you heard it - EAGLES VICTORY MEAL!
You should come too!
Oh, and everyone needs to wear green...
Aweee, thanks T, I don't think I am allowed though... I just recently heard Giants were cleaning out their lockers, I did not even know they lost. I am ashamed.
Re: My "real" friends suck
Mine all live so far away. NorthJ, MD, CO, CT, LI/NY. I actually think you guys live closer to me than my IRL friends!
I need to make some more local friends but I figure, I freaking work all the time anyway and weekends are always soaked up with family stuff that I'd just feel guilty about not gtg! Thank god for email.
T, you have a point there. My best friend is literally, 5 blocks from me and we never GTG. Its usually her fault though.
Sam, we wish you lived closer too!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Liam is 5!
I lost a bet with T about the Giants winning the playoffs, she now will cook us dinner but I have to drive to westbumblefuck to eat it. lol
Lana - these Giants losers are making the hike to my house for our Eagles Victory meal. That's right - you heard it - EAGLES VICTORY MEAL!
You should come too!
Oh, and everyone needs to wear green...
Let me see if I understand this correctly. You lost, but T is cooking? :-)
I think other than driving to the westbumblefuck, you win
Aweee, thanks T, I don't think I am allowed though... I just recently heard Giants were cleaning out their lockers, I did not even know they lost. I am ashamed.
B will wear her Giants outfit as a memorial.
LOL I won't put it on, its too damn cold. B is so excited to go see Mia, she keeps asking me "tomorrow"?
OMG, I would love to see that! We are NOT wearing green. I don't own anything besides black lol.
I can't wait to see you girls!