Tell me what your lyrics are for Patty Cake. Me & DH are going through it right now and his lyrics are so not right! Please tell me how you sing it to your DC.
Watching the snow <br>
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for"
mil always says mark it with an "L" and put it in the oven for Lulu and me. but i always heard it the generic B for baby. so i ignore MIL and sing the version I know. (slightly louder so i drown her out, lol)
My DH sings it wrong, er, I mean differently...Here's his version:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man, bake me some biscuits fast as you can. Roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and throw them in the pan!
My DH sings it wrong, er, I mean differently...Here's his version:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man, bake me some biscuits fast as you can. Roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and throw them in the pan!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? hahahaha
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
My IF blog
Re: Patty Cake Lyrics...tell me yours
Patty cake patty cake
bakers man
bake me a cake as fast as you can
roll it
and pat it
and mark it with a ___ (R)
put it in the oven for ____ (Rylee) and me!
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Bakers man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll it, Pat it, Mark it with a B. Put it in the oven for baby and me!
My mom sings very bizarre, different lyrics. But all DD's toys that sing it, sing it my way so I know she's crazy!
Same here!
pat a cake
pat a cake
bakers man, bake me a cake as fast as you can
roll it, pat it, mark with with an "O"
and put it in the oven for Olivia and me!!
same except Paige's name - but I have always heard it has Pat a cake.
My DH sings it wrong, er, I mean differently...Here's his version:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man, bake me some biscuits fast as you can. Roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and roll 'em up, and throw them in the pan!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? hahahaha
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
My IF blog
My mom does...
Patty cake, patty cake bakers man. bake me a cake as fast as you can. roll it and pat it and put it in the pan patty cake patty cake bakers man.
My kid is going to be so confused cuz we say it the right way!
The whole biscuits thing... that is just totally unacceptable! )
ok so my dad and I totally sing it different (my grandma tought us both I think...)
Patty cake Patty cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it and Roll it
Pick it and Pick it, Throw it in the air (not sure where the pick-it is from)
Mark it with a "B" for baby and Me
- I think the more common version sounds better, but my dad and I both say it like this
I say
patty cake patty cake baker man
bake me a cake as fast as you can
roll it, pat it and mark it with a B
and bake it right up for baby and me
MIL says
patty cake patty cake baker man
bake me a cake as fast as you can
roll it, pat it and prick it with a pin
and bake it right up for baby and me
good to know the pin is a little out there:P
I say
patty cake patty cake baker man
bake me a cake as fast as you can
pat it and prick it and mark it with a B
and put it in the oven for baby and me!