1st Trimester

Looking into switching to a midwife

I have an OB/GYN that I really like. I have been going to her for two years.  She was the one who put us on Clomid which is the only way that we are pregnant now. However the practice that she is at doesn't allow midwifes, only doulas. I really trust this Dr. and feel like she really listens to my concers, and there is this study that I can be in to help with preclampsia research. However I really want to avoid having to give birth on my back with my feet up in the air without the help of gravity. Has anyone else had to make this choice?



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Re: Looking into switching to a midwife

  • Before switching I would have an honest talk with your doc.  Ask him or her about his c/s rate and whether or not he or she is open to the idea of birthing in other positions.  Some OBs allow waterbirths, it just depends.

    I use a midwife and still ended up delivering on my back last time - It was the only way I could push effectively at the time after over an hour on my sides and other positions.

    I wouldn't switch until you've talked it over.

  • I'm considering the same thing.  I'm kind of stuck though.  I'd like a shot at going natural, which I know I won't be able to do strapped to a bed (in our hospital--probably in most--you have to stay in bed with those stupid monitors on your belly the whole time).  I've learned from experience that I deal best with contractions standing, or at least sitting up.  However, I still want the option of an epidural, which I won't have at a birth center.  I'm also not thrilled with my doctor (I like her personality, but she's a little too fond of medical intervention for convenience's sake).  On the other hand, she doesn't judge the fact that we don't believe in birth control and doesn't make snide comments about me coming in every year and half pregnant again. =) (It probably helps that we pay our bills on time and aren't on government assistance though. lol)  Most midwives probably wouldn't have a problem with me, but I'm nervous to even try to find another doctor because they might be more hostile to my beliefs.

    So, yeah.  Not sure what to do. Stick out tongue

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  • Well, I guess you should speak to your doctor first and see if she'll let you birth in different positions.  Some ob/gyns can be natural birth friendly.  I go to a practice with 3 midwives and an ob/gyn.  I'll see the 3 midwives and the ob/gyn is there for an emergency.  I'm hoping to be able to do the natural waterbirth but there is the option for the epi if I cave.
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  • I called my insurance and they don't have any midwives in network. I will have my next appointment with my OB/GYN on Feb. 4th, so I'll get to ask her all these questions. I think she is pretty reasonable.
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