
LOLOLOL at this First Tri C&P

This ninny was miffed that somebody changed their kid's diaper in her house, and suggested that they should have taken the kid outside to change his/her diaper in the back of their SUV.


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Re: LOLOLOL at this First Tri C&P

  • Perhaps we should all bring our own port-o-let towed behind our "SUV" and use that instead of a bathroom too.  I have heard of some stuff to be concerned about, but that is ridiculous. 
  • PS-  I should say that of course it goes w/out saying that the indoor-diaper-changer should have put down a changing mat; I can't imagine a mom who wouldn't...
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  • Ask her again once she has a kid and see what she actually does, which I highly doubt will include traipsing out to her SUV to change it.  Ridiculous.  
  • Holly crap does she really not know what she's in for. Does she know that baby will do thing far worse then that? Like forinstance (TMI!!!)when DD had diarrhea in the tub and it got in her hair. She's in for a rude awakening!!!  LOLOLOLOL
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  • Wow!  I always ask when visiting friends where I can change my kid, but i would never think to have to take him out to my car when we are at a FRIENDS house.  And like one of the other posters said, I definitely want to get poop and pee on their stuff less than they want me to.
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  • Wouldn't it be really cold for the poor little kids' tushie? I don't like not having gloves on in the winter much less my pants off and being wiped with a cold wipe- bbrrrr

  • OMFG!!!  This woman is going to learn the hard way!  Wait till her baby has a blowout in a restaurant or something lol. 
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