

I just read your post about RSV. OMG!!!!!! I was just sitting here freaking out. Chris has a spot on his left leg (where they gv the shot) is pinkish and it look like it could be swollen like a bump. We ask the doc he said it was the shot but all is ok. The part that got me was the upper resp infection and also ear infections. They've had both infections, for the past 2mo 1/2 they've had a cold. Took them 3 times to the Doc for this and there is nothing they can do just saline. Do you think that it could be the shots? I know the pro are way better than the cons, but is makes some sense that this could be the reason this freaking cold wont go away. Now, because of the antib they took now they have diarrhea that I'm still trying to get in control. I'm calling the doc tomorrow because both have diarrhea and Chris also has a low temp.?

Cant wait for SUMMER!!!!!!! I'm so done w this winter cr*p!




Zeidy ?

Re: lstaylor73

  • We didn't get a bump but everyone reacts differently.  This is very scary.  I would definitely call your pedi and have them go over everything.  I don't know what my decision will be whether or not to continue with the shots, but for right now I am thinking we will still give it to them until I hear from the company and my pediatrician.  What also scares me is it says that you can have reactions to Synagis components, so I'm wondering what those may be so we can look out for them in the future.  

    DH is an anyalyst that loves to find loop holes, errors, and quirky twists so his mind really put all the pieces together after this weeks reactions.  I'm so glad I posted this and that it brings the side effects to light for others.  I really hope that the shot isn't causing all of our collective woes but it seems too coincidental, don't you think?

     I hope your guys are feeling better very soon!  I couldn't wait for the New Year, but now I'm focusing on Spring.

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