Because I'm a follower and saw so many on here who had them for their little ones, I got one for DS for Christmas. He LOVES it. He doesn't really bite it yet but loves to hold it and he even got it to squeak for the first time yesterday on his own. He LOVES the sqeaking.
Anyways--it's on sale today on Amazon. Thought I'd share that since I paid full price and now wish I had waited a couple weeks longer.
Re: PSA about Sophie La Giraffe
No kidding on the price changes--yikes. That was a good deal....that'll teach me to watch it better. In fact, I had a monitor in my cart that I never bought and from the time I put it in til today it went UP more than $20!! Wow.
MrsJeffswife---I know. It totally looks like a dog toy but is just perfect. I love that he can chew on it and not be harmed by lead or whatever.
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