
I really need to take down my christmas lights.

I feel like everyone in my subdivision must think I am a lazyass for not having my christmas stuff down by now. Dh is gone and I just don't have time to do it. UGG, thanks for letting me vent.

Re: I really need to take down my christmas lights.

  • I will take my decorations down this weekend. I don't think we're that far behind. 
  • Me too!  I'm sick of looking at my Christmas tree and other decorations around the house.  I almost took them down last night but decided to go to bed instead!
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  • I have taken everything "inside" down and put away. We will have to wait until the snow melts to take our outside lighting down. We don't still turn it on though.
  • Oh, I should turn them on tonight! We have so much christmas stuff outside, then people would cuss me for sure!
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