

I don't know if you remember, but you were giving me advice about my Dad and our living situation.

Do you know if he ever remarries if his new wife would have a right to this house if we never put her on the title?

I have been worrying about this.

Re: *PiperBride*

  • Girl!  I'm not a lawyer - you should page them (or call one, please!!) but if he gets married, all his stuff automatically becomes hers.  It doesn't matter if she is on the title or not. 

    Is that a possibility?  You guys seriously need to get out of that co-ownership!!!

  • Hey, I didn't know what you were. I just know you sounded like you knew your   sh!t!

    We are working on it. It's just not that easy right now. KWIM?

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  • Yes, I do know it's tough.  It's not your dad and I totally feel for you.  If you were my friend IRL, we'd be on the phone about this every night, it's a big deal in your life!

    I have a gift for "command" and sounding like I know what I'm talking about but there are many, many things I don't know.  My husband and I bought our house together when we were just dating and my aunt (who is a lawyer) sat us down and drew up the joint-tenant with right of survivorship ( which basically meant that his parents as next of kin wouldn't get his part of the estate if something happened to him...I would as co-owner!  And vice versa. 

    Property law is complicated.  If your FIL get married, that woman is legally co-owner of everything he owns.  That would include your property.  And like I mentioned before, the whole joint title thing can become difficult to mediate without specific things in writing, like survivorship and rules about home improvements, spending, etc.

    I still hope you work it out, I am on your side!

  • imagePiperBride:

      My husband and I bought our house together when we were just dating and my aunt (who is a lawyer) sat us down and drew up the joint-tenant with right of survivorship ( which basically meant that his parents as next of kin wouldn't get his part of the estate if something happened to him...I would as co-owner!  And vice versa. 

    Did you talk about this on here? For some reason this sounds familiar. And if you did, was it that long ago?

    I'm starting to wish you were my friend IRL. I can't talk to anyone about this for obvious reasons. Well, I do have someone, but she has her own problems right now. I'm trying to be there for her, so I don't talk about my life much.

    Thanks again!

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