3rd Trimester

Does anyone here have generalized anxiety disorder and have a lot of physical anxiety symptoms and p

Does anyone here have generalized anxiety disorder and have a lot of physical anxiety symptoms and panic attacks? I feel so alone. I still haven’t met anyone who has this and i do. It feels like most women have a good pregnancy without the physical anxiety symptoms. My doc prescribed 20 mg of lexapro and .5 of klonopin and it’s not helping much. Anyone here also take meds?

Re: Does anyone here have generalized anxiety disorder and have a lot of physical anxiety symptoms and p

  • I've had anxiety for years, panic attacks which were in the form of my heart beating like crazy, heart palpitations, numbness feelings down my arms and whole body most of the times and this intense hot flashes to the point I've called a ambulance as I thought I was having a heart attack or stroke (I'm 26). I was put on ecitalopram back in 2020 and haven't gotten a attack like that since. I hands down recommend to anyone escitalopram. 
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