I'm currently 4wks 1 day. I started having light spotting on the 17th, which i thought was normal, but yesterday night, I started having mild to moderate cramps & the bleeding got slightly heavier and turned from pink to bright red. The bleeding today is a dark red & even heavier, which I don't know if it's from the ultrasound or a concern. I was terrified and heaved myself up to the hospital this morning. They did bloodwork, ultrasound (which saw nothing, but they did say it could be because I'm still in early pregnancy), HcG levels, & I urine pregnancy test which was still positive. I have to go back in 2 days to get my levels checked again to see if they are rising. So I'm just hoping for a miracle at this point. For anyone else who has been through this before, is there a chance of a positive outcome or should I just go ahead and let go?