3rd Trimester

Birth at 35weeks- NICU

Baby came at 35wks and 4 days on 1/11/2025… He was 6lbs and 13 oz. Today he’s 7lbs and 17oz.. He’s in the NICU because he’s breathing fast and they have him on CPAP & have a feeding tube due to him breathing fast… My question is has anyone went through this and how long did your baby stay in the NICU….

Re: Birth at 35weeks- NICU

  • leban_chebanleban_cheban member
    edited January 13
    I was a NICU baby, I think it depends entirely on the baby how long they're there. But generally speaking about a month or two to three is my answer. That's when lungs develop around 1-3 months in the NICU. That's how long I was there for, because I was born just under 5 pounds and my lungs needed help for a bit.
    Praying you get to take him home soon. 🙏
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