1st Trimester

Topical tretinoin

Hello everyone!
I am currently 6 weeks 2 days pregnant! I went to put some acne medication from curology on this morning because I was breaking out and when I read the label is said 0.013% tretinoin and do not use if pregnant. I threw it away and now that I’m thinking about it the last time I used it was a few days before I took my first pregnancy test (I’ve been good at checking labels since then and I found out 4 days after my missed period). Has anyone else done this and had positive experiences?! I’m worrying myself here…

Re: Topical tretinoin

  • I don’t know if this may be the same thing, but I didn’t realize certain face scrubs/ washes shouldn’t be used during pregnancy with my first and used it in early pregnancy until I read in article on here about face stuff that wasn’t okay for you to use. After that, I stopped using it because it had on the label not to use it during pregnancy. Everything was fine and healthy during that pregnancy and I let my doctor know about it. If you have a concern, talk to your doctor to ease your mind and make them aware to look for any possible side effects from it to reassure you at your next visit if necessary. 
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