1st Trimester

Rising HCG Mild Cramping & Spotting

I’ve miscarried twice and am super nervous about my current pregnancy. I am 6wks & 3days. Due to my past history I’ve been having my HCG levels tested every 48hrs. everything has been normal. 358 to 713 to 1,412. I randomly began having mild cramping off and on with some spotting. I’ve also passed small blood clots. My spotting isn’t anything that’s soaked a pad. But I am nervous about the clots. I keep telling myself that everything is fine just because of the fact that I typically clot with any vaginal bleeding. Has anyone experienced this with a positive outcome?

Re: Rising HCG Mild Cramping & Spotting

  • I had this at about week 6. I also had a miscarriage last year and thought for sure it was happening again. My midwife was able to get me in for an early ultrasound and hcg levels tested and everything was fine. The spotting/discoloured discharge stopped after about 4 days. I’m at 8.5 weeks now.
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