
Twins - Vanishing Twin Symptoms - Decreased Pregnancy Symptoms

Hi all,

We found out we are having twins at our 7w6d ultrasound.

Both had good heartbeats in the 160s but one looked a little odd to us.

Fast forward a few days and my pregnancy symptoms have majorly dropped off. I had been horrible nauseous for weeks and it just went away completely.

I’d say my symptoms are more similar to my previous singleton pregnancy.

I’m starting to suspect maybe we could be losing one (and our doctor warned us it could happen). Has anyone experienced this and did it all work out?

We don’t go to see an MFM until 12 weeks so I feel so helpless and alone.


Re: Twins - Vanishing Twin Symptoms - Decreased Pregnancy Symptoms

  • I am in the same boat. I found out at 8w2d that I am having twins (both twins had a heartrate of 173bpm), I was  having horrible nausea for weeks (throwing up multiple times a day) and at 8w6d my nausea was very mild and today at 9w1d I have no nausea at all. my appointment with MFM isnt until 16weeks and I dont have another OB appointment until 12 weeks. Iv been told not to worry but its so hard not to - this is also my first pregnancy so I feel completely lost
  • Hi,

    I'm sorry you're going through this. It's common for symptoms to fluctuate, and sometimes a drop in symptoms doesn't indicate a loss. Keep monitoring and try to stay positive until your next appointment. If you have concerns, consider reaching out to your doctor for advice or reassurance in the meantime. Please visit custom lorcana cards for more information.

    Best wishes.
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  • Thank you for your kind words. I'll keep monitoring and reach out to my doctor if needed. Appreciate the support!
  • edited August 2024
    Thanks for your support; I'll keep monitoring and consult my doctor if needed.
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