1st Trimester

No baby in sac?

Hi everyone! Big worries over here. Long story long… I had a period 9 days late from August 20-24th. Positive ovulation test September 4th. Positive pregnancy test September 20th. Insomnia and trouble breathing for 1 week. These issues went away last Friday, except for breast nipple growth.

HCG test
#1: 2260
#2 3823 (2 days later)
#3 7056 (3 days later)
#4 10,555 (2 days later)

HCG levels not exactly doubling so doctor had me have an early ultrasound at 6 weeks today. There is a gestational sac but nothing inside of it. Sac measures at 11.4m which is measuring earlier at 5 weeks 3/4 days. Is this an empty sac pregnancy? Or is it a chance that since my HCG is at least going up 50% every 2 days that maybe i’m just earlier than they assumed? I have a follow-up ultrasound in 2 weeks. Any input?!

Re: No baby in sac?

  • What did the doctor say? Do you think your dates could be off? Hopefully they will have you do another u/s to see if there's any growth or a baby in there next time. Keep us updated! 
  • The doctor still was hopeful, but was basically like, we really can’t give you any other answers until your next scan, which I have on 10/18. When I went in for my 6 week scan I was originally told I would be 6 weeks and 5 days but when they measured me they said I look more like 5 weeks and 6 days!
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  • I am scared to ask for another blood test as this whole process has kind of just ruined it for me and scared me. I was going to wait until after my next ultrasound and see then. Do you think it’s still too early to get scanned on 10/18? At that point I would be 7 weeks and 4 days based on their latest date count, and i’ve seen stories where people still can’t even see a baby until 8 weeks or later!
  • Keep hoping everything will work itself out
  • Hey! It's totally possible that your timing was just off or you ovulated later than you thought.  My LMP was 2/23 but my ovulation date was 3/19 (they made me schedule appointments based on LMP), so when I went for my first u/s on 4/13 they only saw a gestational sac and yolk sac.  They had me come back 11 days later and we were right in line with the 3/19 ovulation date (I was 7 weeks 2 days and we saw the baby).  I was in panic mode for those 11 days because we had a loss last year and I was so scared it was happening again, but kept trying to tell myself that I knew they had my dates wrong and that everything would be okay.  Hoping this is the case for you as well and you'll get some good news at your next appointment!
  • Any update? Sending positive vibes your way.
  • This happened to me. We saw empty sac and my period was August 21st. Then doc said I just ovulated late and the next ultrasound we saw a yolk sack and fetal pole and then 2 weeks later we saw a heartbeat. I have another dating scan in 2 weeks to confirm I was 2 weeks behind. At 5/6w there is not much to see
  • @sandradeez1 How did everything go at your scan on 10/18?
  • Unfortunately I ended up taking miso on 10/23, sac was measuring at 2.5 cm and nothing in there still. All symptoms disappeared as well. Now 32 days out and still waiting for HCG to be 0. Bleeding daily. Super depressing process. Don’t know how to move on from it honestly
  • So sorry to read this. Hope you’re okay x
  • You will be okay. I had a totally normal pregnancy and birth 3 years ago, tried getting pregnant again and had 3 miscarriage ( all blighted ovums - empty sacs) just remember if the body is not creating a baby it’s most likely due to the fact that the baby was not genetically sound and your body is not allowing the pregnancy to go forward. Positive vibes / your time will come 😊
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