1st Trimester

Low beta's still doubling..

So i had a trigger shot 2/27 and iui 2/28. Tested positive 3/12 and my HCG was only 12 on 13dpiui. And 33 today (15dpiui) they did double but this still seems very low. My nurse savs whatever happens will happen which obv isnt much help? Can you share similar experience if you have it or advice??

Re: Low beta's still doubling..

  • You're still VERY early on, so super low numbers like that could be fine.  Anything above 5 is considered PG.  Considering you can't usually turn a test (or at least I couldn't) until at least 11 days post-O, means you need time for HCG to hit that test level.  So, with as early as you are and the fact that it's doubling, I wouldn't fret at this point.  Are they going to continue to do HCG betas every 48 hours to ensure it's still rising?
    *TW All the Loss* #BitterHagPartyOf1

    October 2015 - 1st MC.  7-8 weeks along. Suspected molar PG, but luckily just a MMC.

    June 2016 - 2nd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    September 2016 - 3rd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    RE 1: ALL the testing - 'unexplained'  "Yinz can do IVF or try on your own"

    Feb 2017 - 4th MC: 6 weeks

    RE 2: More tests. Still 'unexplained.'  Called fat for an entire hour-long appointment, cried a lot

    Feb 2019 - 5th MC: 6-7 weeks

    IUD - March 2019-March 2023

    RE 3:  Repeat all the tests. Hoping to try IVF.

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