3rd Trimester

33 weeks pain/symptoms

Hey Mommas

As of today I am 33wks and the last few days I have had such sharp pains in my lower belly, not anything like cramping. Is that to be expected (obviously baby is bigger) or should I be concerned for early delivery (I am high risk). I don’t see my ob for 2 weeks and can’t be seen sooner. Obviously if it’s unbearable or if there’s blood I will go to the er but don’t know if I’m just being paranoid. 

Re: 33 weeks pain/symptoms

  • I know *water* is everyone's solution to everything... But I've been having similar pains along with polyhydramnios.. and since I've really ramped up my water intake the pains have calmed down and my fluid levels are lowering. So I know the whole drink more water sounds silly .. but maybe try that? Also my doc mentioned that my pains may have been round ligament pain... Something that just happens due to the growing of all the parts that help the baby grow. Unfortunately this might be something that doesn't totally resolve until you deliver, but you're getting close :) 
  • @lisamright Water is such a basic solution to everything but yet no one ever thinks of it, I’ll definitely give drinking a few extra cups a day a try, thank you!
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