Babies: 6 - 9 Months

6 month old Refusing bottle (breastfed baby)

Help! I am primarily breastfeeding my 6 month old and was giving him 1 bottle/day. Now he’s not taking the bottle at all from my husband or others. It’s been a month since he’s taken a whole bottle. Any suggestions? He’s starting daycare full time in a month and I’m concerned about him not taking the bottle then. I appreciate sure any suggestions you have:)

Re: 6 month old Refusing bottle (breastfed baby)

  • I had the same concern when my baby started daycare (although for us it was at 4 months). Before starting daycare she would only take 1-3 ounces from a bottle given by my husband a few times a week. However, after only a couple of days of starting she was finishing all 3 of her bottles at we needed to even up the ounces. In my experience, the  caretakers at daycare are have seen it all and know what they are doing.  I’d give it a couple transition days for sure and then if she’s still having trouble finishing her bottles talk to the daycare and they can help come up with a plan together. 
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