**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**
Typical LP length:
Re: TWW Wednesday 10/13
Month/Cycle: 35/37
CD/DPO: 25/8
Timing: EOD + IUI on O day
Typical LP length: progesterone
Testing: sometime this weekend
R/R: just wanted to pop in since I’ve been MIA. Work is beyond crazy which has been a good TWW distraction. I honestly have no interest in testing yet because I don’t even have the mental energy to think about it. We’ll see what happens this weekend though after my deadline passes!
Month/Cycle: 1/1 AL
CD/DPO: 22/9
Timing: good
Typical LP length: 12ish
Testing: WFAF (or Saturday, just to pretend like I have control over something)
R/R: Y’all would have been proud of me: I finished my coffee by 10:30 this morning! My rant for today is when friends cancel plans that you’ve had on the calendar for weeks because they get the opportunity to do another social event. I get that stuff happens, but it is frustrating when you feel like a placeholder. Anyway, NBD, I’m just annoyed. My rave is that I brought the most random assortment of things for lunch and I’m excited for my weird snacks!
CS/Q: Nope
@bows22 Glad you’ve had a distraction, but hopefully the stress at work isn’t too bad.
Month/Cycle: 3/3AL
CD/DPO: 22/10
Timing: O-2
Typical LP length: 13/14
Testing: BFN this morning
R/R: I'm having a "woe is me" day. Lots of stuff going on right now, and thinking about TTC is just making things that much more stressful. I'm not too hopeful at this point for this cycle, and then going one more "month" is starting to get close to some big events we have coming up. My mind can't get out of the future.. man TTC-ing is a wild ride.
CS/Q: Not today..
@bows22 good luck meeting the deadline!
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
Month/Cycle: 11/2AL
CD/DPO: 18/3
Timing: i think we squeaked in a +1, everything else is crap thanks to sniffles and separate travel
Typical LP length: 12-14 days
Testing: doubtful
R/R: snagged an ava bracelet for $125 on fb marketplace! woot. flip side is that i have to take a monster test for work tomorrow and i am not ready, def going to fail it. ugh.
CS/Q: nada
@tessiesmom26 i'm sorry, big creepy internet hug.
@abjm0325 woo about coffee, and yes that sucks w/ a friend. that's really annoying.
@bows22 i woke up today thinking it was thursday, very sad to learn it was weds. the weekend can't come soon enough.
@anniemarie887 I just wished you luck in the TFAS thread but I didn't think it would work THAT quickly lol
Married 10/28/17
Our TTC Journey
Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18
TTC #2 January '21
BFP June '21
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
Jan '22 - started IF testing
BFP Jan '22
MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
BFP May '22
@tessiesmom26 I’m sorry for the tough day. I hope you can do something nice for yourself this evening.
@anniemarie887 Woo for the ava bracelet! Yuck about the work test though. Hopefully you’re more prepared than you think.