February 2022 Moms

Treat yourself Tuesday 9.14

How are you treating yourself today? 

Re: Treat yourself Tuesday 9.14

  • I just sent my husband to get me a frosted coffee at Chick-fil-A (which I honestly hate supporting butttt their frosted coffee is so good and the cravings are intense  :#)
  • @kaf1788 that’s how they getcha! Haha 
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  • Had a pumpkin bagel with pumpkin cream cheese from Trader Joes. It was delicious. Had a good moment on my porch, sipping coffee, enjoying the air getting cooler in the mornings.
  • @lexilougolden ooooo everything pumpkin right now sounds amazing.

    Today I'm just having a lazy day at home with a homemade latte, will probably make some time to read later but I'm making space for some work tasks so that I can get the satisfaction of not putting them off anymore lol
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