My DH used Naty diapers (found at Target) for his son (age 7.5 now). I'm interested in chemical free, fragrance free, latex free diapers. I've even considered cloth diapers for home-use. What diapers do you love? I've heard some diapers work well on one kid and not another. Do you recommend trying several brands before buying a lot diapers in one brand? I've been looking at Hello Bello too. Not sure what direction to go...
Re: Product Spotlight: Diapers
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!
but honestly we mostly bought Up & Up because they worked so well and we couldnt beat the price
Hello Bello
Abby + Finn
i also buy Sam’s Club Member’s Mark.
We did Pampers Pure for a while when she was a newborn, but those fit slimmer than Huggies, and we just didn't like them as much. (For wipes, though, we prefer Pampers Pure over any Huggies wipes.)
For name-brand diapers, Huggies Special Delivery and Pampers Pure are both made from plant-based materials and are latex-free.
Haven't tried Hello Bello, but my friend did with her DD who is only 3 months older than mine and she says she loves them. She gets the diapers/wipes/lotion delivered monthly. She loves that she can choose designs & colors to match the seasons.
We tried Honest brand diapers, but those are for string beans, and they're papery and not very soft/form-fitting IMHO. I also tried Huggies Snug & Dry (the ones with Mickey Mouse), which worked okay but I didn't like them as much as the other Huggies. Also tried Pampers Baby-Dry and Pampers Swaddlers and wasn't a fan of those either (not as absorbent in my experience).
Definitely keep an eye out for Target Circle deals on diapers. We just got a $15 gift card for spending $75 on diapers on Saturday.
In terms of stocking up before baby arrives, I suggest buying one box of newborn or size 1 diapers each time you go grocery shopping between about the halfway mark to delivery. That's what we did and we had quite the nice stockpile by the time she arrived. We didn't have to buy diapers until she was almost three months old when she sized out of the newborn diapers. Any unopened boxes, we just returned to Target for store credit.
Due with baby #2: Feb 2022
We used Pampers for the first 8-9 months and then my son started having leaks in them, even sizing up, so we tried out a box of Huggies and had the same issue. LUVS ended up being the magic diaper for him.
Note on Pampers- the baby dry kind were my least favorite. It seemed like they almost soaked up too much moisture.
We have always used Pampers Pure baby wipes and since I do daycare I've tried out a lot they are my absolute favorite. I have them on an Amazon subscription, so I get a case every other month and that is plenty. I also switched to that brand for daycare instead of having parents bring their own. I've never had a kiddo with a reaction or sensitivity to them, and they are super soft compared to a few other brands.
I've occasionally bought a more eco-friendly diaper from our local coop (just small packs when I didn't reorder Pampers in time), and those have worked well too, though they were really papery.