December 2021 Moms

Thankful Thursday 8/5

What is everyone thankful for today?

Re: Thankful Thursday 8/5

  • I am thankful for these end of the summer vibes. It is my absolute favorite time of the year. Tomato sandwiches! Lemonade! Camping!
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  • @JamieH2000 aww, both of those are just the best!! ❤️
  • @bkjade yes! All the best things! I’m taking off end of next weekend for and extended camping trip to one of our favorite lakes! I just wish it wasn’t going to be 100° 🥵!!

    I am thankful to have Thursdays off to spend with my girls! And also for friends with awesome kids to have play dates with. 
  • A little late…but I’m thankful for a supportive mom! She has helped me a lot during this pregnancy (and every other pregnancy).
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