February 2022 Moms

Product Spotlight: Pregnancy Pillows

I noticed several of us have been commenting about pregnancy pillows lately, so here we are!
<img alt="2020 New Arrival F Shape Pregnancy Pillow Soft Breathable " src="https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.alicdn.com%2Fimgextra%2Fi2%2F1970678545%2FTB2AKqWbXXXXXbMXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!1970678545.gif&f=1&nofb=1" title="Image: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.alicdn.com%2Fimgextra%2Fi2%2F1970678545%2FTB2AKqWbXXXXXbMXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!1970678545.gif&f=1&nofb=1">
Do you have one you are using, (or have used), that you can recommend?
Any you have tried and would NOT recommend?
Any you have your eye on you are curious about?

Drop your comments and questions here :)

Re: Product Spotlight: Pregnancy Pillows

  • Yay! Thank you @BusinessWife! I'm still in the market! I want a smallish one but not one that is necessarily a head pillow as well (I get an easily kinked neck with any fluffy/too high pillows).
  • I can't find the exact one I have, but it's similar to this one

    It's huge, but I love it. We have a queen sized bed, and it takes up a lot of room, but I don't care it helps me sleep! 

    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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  • I have the jersey-fabric Snoogle. I like that it's a coil so it's compact in our full-sized bed so MH doesn't complain too much. I use it alone without other pillows. The back support is adequate. It's also not too hot/constricting in this super warm weather. 
    Leachco Snoogle Chic Jersey Support Pillow - Heather Gray  Target
  • JWatt5JWatt5 member
    I had a Snoogle last time I used for a week and then it sat on the floor lol. I was a fan of the 6 pillows move so I could adjust them. I really needed support with how bad the carpel tunnel got last time that would let me not be completely on my side but not on my back. 
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • So my husband uses a snoogle, yep, my obviously non pregnant husband sleeps with a snoogle, but better the snoogle then me having to cuddle haha

    But I just orderd this one off Amazon to see if I would like it since it was on sale for $20, I should get it in tomorrow, I like that it doesnt have the pillow up top so I can use my regular pillow for my head and still have this as a pregnancy pillow

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @livingoffpbjs Let us know what you think when you try it out! Looks exactly like what I want! 
  • Looks like its still on sale for $20 with the promo code if anyone knows they like this style and wants to get it. Heres the link:
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @livingoffpbjs Yes to the deal sharing!
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