1st Trimester

13 weeks couldn’t find heartbeat with Doppler

Hi everyone! I had my 13 week ultrasound/doctor appt this week and they found the heartbeat during the ultrasound (169) but then an hour later at my doctor appt when the nurse tried to find it using a Doppler she couldn’t. Should I be worried? Thanks in advance!

Re: 13 weeks couldn’t find heartbeat with Doppler

  • Hi everyone! I had my 13 week ultrasound/doctor appt this week and they found the heartbeat during the ultrasound (169) but then an hour later at my doctor appt when the nurse tried to find it using a Doppler she couldn’t. Should I be worried? Thanks in advance!
    Trust the ultrasound over doppler! You are probably too early for a doppler to be efficient- that is why most offices don't worry about not finding a HB via doppler until baby is bigger and can't "hide" as much. 
  • I would also trust the ultrasound.  With DS, they struggled the entire pregnancy to find his heartbeat with the Doppler due to his location and the placement of the placenta.  We could always see it on ultrasound though.  
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  • With my daughter, it took a while to be able to find the HB with a Doppler. I think at 16 weeks they could. Definitely not at 12-that was a stressful appointment for a minute, until they got me an US 😬. It's pretty common to not pick it up with a Doppler that early. 
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