Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Friday 4/24

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 




Typical LP length: 




*TW* History:
Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

TTC #1 since 7.2017
Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

IUI #1-3 all BFN
IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
DS born 7.19.22 after induction

TTC #2 begins 6.2023
Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
Repeat labs in 8 weeks
Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
TTC put on pause indefinitely

Re: TWW Friday 4/24

  • Lurking from WTO

    @inthewoods23 happy belated birthday!
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  • Month/Cycle: 4/3

    CD/DPO: CD22 but either 7 or 8 DPO depending on app?

    Timing: good!

    Typical LP length: unsure

    Testing: waiting

    R/R: TGIF!  i have a bunch of work headaches that seem likely to run into the weekend unfortunately.  this particular project ends on Tuesday so the end is in sight!  Will spend more time this weekend with our workshop reorganization.  maybe more yardwork, weather permitting, but my allergies are still bothering me a bit so i might sit it out.

    CS/Q:  i spent the morning transferring all my temps into FF from premom, so now i have both and will likely transition to FF for temping purposes.  however i really need to be better about timing it because its a mess.  is there a way i can track my T/C ratio on FF too?

    here is my premom chart

    here is my *~new~* FF chart

  • @inthewoods23 unsure how i missed your post.  Glad your bday was not so bad!  sounds like YH was trying to be cute!
  • @asf0613 for some reason your premom pictures never show up for me! The FF one shows up just fine. *shrug*

    I don't believe FF does the T/C ratio. To my knowledge you can't even enter pictures of your OPKs to keep record. Hence why I downloaded the Premom app specifically to check my OPK lines ha. I'm using Pregmate brand OPKs though so it might not be as accurate as using the Easy@Home brand.

    That just made me realize I'm using THREE apps for tracking. I started with Flo and like it's interface a lot better. It looks nicer. Then I added FF since that's heavily used here and does seem to allow you to take more things into account for your cycle. I could mark my IUIs and IVF in FF but not Flo. And then I just added Premom maybe 2 weeks ago to track the OPK lines.
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • @inthewoods23 thanks for the insight on FF.  i too have 3 apps.  before i was involved on TB i used Glow because i was really just tracking my period and sex, then i added premom because i use pregmate test strips.   i've pretty much phased out glow but i do still log my period in there.  ill definitely keep premom for the OPK lines though i guess.

    i think i was saving my premom charts differently, but i tried a new way here.  i think i like FF because i can see temp difference more clearly

  • @asf0613 I always get confused between the line for temps and for the T/C ratio in Premom. I wish they would make the LH line smaller/less bold so you can read them better.
    *TW* History:
    Me: 34 DH: 36 | Together since 2007 | Married July 2016

    TTC #1 since 7.2017
    Dx: low morph (1%), ANA positive, low decidualization score, high TSH and testosterone, histone antibodies

    IUI #1-3 all BFN
    IVF #1 | 6.11.19 | 24R, 17M, 15F, 6B, PGT-A tested - 5 normal, 3 girls & 2 boys
    FET #1 | 9.10.19 | BFN "I know you, but we've never met. I'm with you, but I don't know your name"
    RPL, Receptiva, & ERA testing | all normal/negative, recommended going on gluten and dairy free diet for next FET
    FET #2 | 3.31.20 | Opted to cancelled due to pandemic, continued diet and tried naturally over the summer
    2nd Opinion with another RE | 8.20.20 | Not immune to measles (received 1 dose); SA results similar to 2 years ago; decided to move forward with FET #2 redo at start of next cycle
    Surprise natural BFP! | 9.22.20 | MC 10.23.20 at 8 weeks
    TTCAL naturally | starting 11.22.20

    Initial consultation with Reproductive Immunologist | 9.14.21
    Decidualization score biopsy | 10.1.21 | abnormal - low score of 1; endometrial scratch recommended and progesterone supplementation
    Saline sono | 10.15.21 | normal
    Bloodwork | 10.21.21 high TSH, high testosterone, positive for anti-nuclear antibodies and histone antibodies, high protein S, multiple genetic mutations
    BFP! | 11.3.21 | EDD 7.14.22 B) | biopsy provided same effect as endometrial scratch; added supplemental progesterone and estrogen, prednisone, levothyroxine, and MTX Support to maintain pregnancy
    DS born 7.19.22 after induction

    TTC #2 begins 6.2023
    Consultation with RI | 6.6.23
    Saline sono, endometritis biopsy, skin & eye check | all normal
    Labs | high TSH, Factor XIII mutation, high %CD56
    Follow up | 8.8.23 | prescribed metformin, prednisone, plaquenil, and levothyroxine
    Repeat labs after 3 weeks on meds
    Follow up | 11.9.23 | Green light!, increase in prednisone, added lovenox
    Repeat labs in 8 weeks
    Follow up | 1.16.24 | Green light continues
    TTC put on pause indefinitely
  • @inthewoods23 that would help for sure!  FF is really missing a good opportunity to make an all-inclusive app.  id even pay for it if it means one less thing to log every day  :tired_face:
  • Sorry I haven't checked-in in a couple days! I find I don't always have much to contribute and I'm trying not to hyper-focus on the TWW.


    @asf0613 I'm not temping so I just use Premom but I don't like that I can't see other things that I've entered on the chart like in FF, like cramps. It took me forever to even find where I could see it at all. All these apps need to just get together to develop one app that has the best parts of everything! And they just did an update to the Premom app and everything is different and I hate when apps do that! If I'm still at this next cycle I might need to use FF again. 

    Month/Cycle: 5/5

    CD/DPO: 20/5

    Timing: -4, -2, -1, 0, 1

    Typical LP length: 13 days

    Testing: Waiting until 5/1 which will be 12 dpo

    R/R: Rave - it is beautiful out! I have been "working" from the deck all afternoon. Rant - trying to stay positive so none!

    CS/Q: Not really a question but I have decided to cut back significantly on alcohol in the TWW. I have always sort of used the TWW as a time to "drink while I still can" but this quarantine has increased my drinking in general so regardless I should cut back. I know it can't really hurt but it's also not helping. I might have a glass of wine tonight because we're going to do a bonfire but I don't want to drink as much as I have been. 

    Nothing too exciting here:

    *TW LC*
    Me & MH: 32
    DS: 6/1/18 (Pre-E; IUGR; seizures; NICU)
    TTC #2: 12/2019
    Sept 2020: HSG possible blocked right tube
    Nov 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFN
    Dec 2020: Letrozole + TI - BFP!!! EDD 9/18

  • @krash_ ive been cutting back on my drinking too for past two cycles.  i now don't drink from CD11 and on until AF arrives.  during the week of my period i've been going all out though which is probably counter productive!!
    and good on you for not focusing too much during the TWW, it's really all i can focus on
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