Fridays = Product Spotlight Series prompt day! Don't be shy, & remember everyone in the community is welcome to comment on threads like these throughout our time here, not just when it's a certain product's week in the spotlight. Big thanks to everyone who participates!
For this week, we're talking... Bottles & Eating Surfaces/Accessories! (I updated it a little to include things that weren't previously included OR planned for the future.) See the prompts below for an organized way to discuss, and as always links/pics (in spoilers) are super appreciated.
for STMs...- What kinds of bottles/nipples have worked best for you in the past & what are your plans, in terms of that, for this baby?
- Best bottle cleaning products? Which would you consider, if any, necessary?
- Best eating-related travel products? Which would you consider, if any, necessary?
- Best eating surfaces? Which, if any, are must-haves?
- Best eating-related accessories? Which, if any, are must-haves?
- Considering how long you breast-fed in the past or plan to try to for this baby, what products above should be on a registry/what might not need to be?
for FTMs...- What kinds of bottles/nipples are you considering?
- Any bottle cleaning products you are considering?
- Any eating-related travel products that you're considering?
- Any eating surfaces that you're considering?
- Any eating-related accessories that you're considering?
Up next week: Travel Accessories! To view the upcoming PSS schedule/find easy links to past PSS posts, visit the
March 2020 PSS Spreadsheet!
Re: Product Spotlight Series: Bottles & Eating Surfaces/Accessories
DD struggled with bottles. She was just a breast baby. It was an issue because I’m a working mom and she would routinely take maybe 2-4 ounces all day while I was gone at work for 8-9 hours (I always sent 3 bottles of 3 oz and she never finished a single bottle until maybe 8 months). The bottle that finally worked for us was Tommy Tippee. It’s a little pricier but it’s the only one that really worked (we tried Dr. Browns, Nuk, Avent, and a few others).
Also, if you’re EBF and babe won’t take a bottle well while you’re gone, don’t worry about it too much. My DD was never underweight and always “made up” for missed milk when I was with her. It led to some sleepless nights but was perfectly healthy. It caused me a lot of stress which, in retrospect, was unnecessary. Her pediatrician was not concerned.
a bottle drying rack is a necessity. Those suckers never dry fully in the dishwasher.
we had a bottle warmer and found it totally superfluous.
For older babies, those snack catcher things are great for Cheerios and things.
Also, if you hand-wash the bottles, I would recommend getting a bottle brush - it can be difficult to get in all the nooks/crannies without one.
When my kids started solids, we went with the plastic bibs vs. the cloth ones - much easier to clean since you can just wipe them off with a rag or rinse them off in the sink and you're done.
For my DS, a couple products I really liked:
The EZPZ plate - this plate suctions to the table. it was a must for my DS since he had a tendency to throw his plate otherwise. I like it because it's also easy to clean, and not breakable.
The Munchkin Miracle sippy cup - this was also a necessity for DS due to the throwing issue. You can chuck this sippy cup across the room and it doesn't leak, aside from maybe a few drops here and there. It's also nice because you can tip it over and it doesn't spill like other sippy cups, so it was a lifesaver for us on long car trips. (still is.)
For high chairs, for my DD I had a stand-alone, and it was nice to have. For DS, I got one that attaches to the table, just because we're limited on kitchen space in our house now, and it's worked ok for us. The only beef I have with the table-attaching version is that it's more difficult to clean. We moved from the table-attaching version to a booster seat that had an attachable tray, so it fit on a kitchen chair and was easier to clean (I liked this option better.)
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)