March 2020 Moms

Weekend Wellness Warriors 7/20-7/21

edited July 2019 in March 2020 Moms
We skipped Fit Friday--oops! So let's do a Weekend Wellness Warriors thread instead.

What are your fitness/health goals? How are you doing on them overall for this pregnancy? 

How did you fare this past week with fitness/health priorities? 
What are you doing this weekend to stay on top of them?

(ETA: Changed Workout to Wellness, which I like better since it's broader--)

Re: Weekend Wellness Warriors 7/20-7/21

  • I started working out more last fall and dieting in March. I lost 25 pounds that I had kept on from my 2016 baby. I am still calorie counting some but not aiming for a deficit. I did lose a pound this week so that’s pretty cool but I’m definitely not trying anymore.

    I did two weight-lifting workouts this week. Today is going to be a cardio day and I’m trying to decide between a treadmill run or swimming laps. 

    I would love to find a prenatal yoga class in the second tri! I did some at home videos last pregnancy and liked them.
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  • Question: when you folks work out, are you monitoring your heart rate? I know at this point in pregnancy it’s pretty safe to do most exercises, but I was running just now my and HR (monitored on Apple Watch) was around 180. I realized I should probably keep it below that. I’m not super in shape so it’s pretty easy to get my heart flying when I run. Anyone have thoughts on this?
  • @kantobean With my last pregnancy I did monitor my heartrate bc I had a running watch that tracked it. I actually have a note from my Qs to my OB that I was concerned my HR went over 180 when running. The NP I talked to that appt told me to stop being as vigorous. But I ran until 7 months pregnant anyway and DS is fine and I had no complications. I only stopped running because it became uncomfortable last time, not bc of my HR. 

    I had read stuff online that you shouldn’t get your heartrate too high, but then other people seem to think it’s fine. I’d ask your OB and see how you feel—I think you just don’t wanna get too overheated.  
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • Thanks @silverhope. I am worried that in a week or two I’ll feel too sick to run, so I want to keep at it now while I can, but I think I’ll stick to more slower/endurance type runs and avoid interval workouts or too much speed.
  • jpalacios892jpalacios892 member
    edited July 2019
    I'm glad someone else asked about HR. I've been nervous about that. It's on my " to ask" list at my first appointment.

    I've been doing spin for many years and I bought a Peloton bike shortly before finding out I was pregnant. My goal is to continue working out throughout this pregnancy. I've been doing 30/45 minute classes every day since I got it. I am trying not to push myself as hard but it's hard not to. I'm trying to drink a lot of water when I do it. 
  • stacey6689stacey6689 member
    edited July 2019
    I plan on keeping up with my normal workouts as long as I can which is basically barre and some light weight training. I’ve also been trying to really keep hydrated and increase my water intake. I would love to find a prenatal yoga class for the second trimester. I’ve also been looking on YouTube for some pregnancy safe workouts to do at home. 

    @zetuslapetus I love barre!! Normally go 5x a week but have been taking it easy since I got my Bfp. I did make it to a class today and my heart rate was higher than normal but I feel fine. 

  • npkatnpkat member
    What are your fitness/health goals? How are you doing on them overall for this pregnancy? 
    -Working out is one of my go to feel good things. I was able to workout my entire first pregnancy, even the day I went into labor, so I’m hoping that’s the case this time. I also eat about 90-95% paleo, so I plan to keep that up as well, and hopefully only gain the recommended amount. So far, so good overall.

    How did you fare this past week with fitness/health priorities? What are you doing this weekend to stay on top of them? 
    -Pretty good. I think I made it to the gym almost everyday, with the exception of a couple. I actually just started a type of CrossFit that’s offered at the new gym I’m at about 6 weeks ago. I’ve been doing that, but will just workout on my own if I can’t make the class times that day for some reason. I definitely push myself in all my workouts but have been more mindful the last week since finding out. In my first pregnancy, I didn’t modify anything except some exercises on my back when I got farther along. So far I have felt pretty good, minus a couple days, so I’m really praying it stays that way so I can continue to be active.
  • @gh1219 same  :( I am really hoping post-vaca, I can get my butt in gear and back to working out consistently. 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @stacey6689 ah that is incredible! I hope around between barre3 (my fav) and pure barre (SO MUCH HARDER) with my classpass, so I have to be strategic haha. it's my favoriteeee work out! 
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