Continuing with some "Non-Registry" products for this week!
Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product. Feel free to comment on threads like these throughout your time at the board, not just when they're in their week in the spotlight, if you discover something new OR are new to the board. This week it's.... Pregnancy Books!
FTMs are encouraged to ask questions & STM/+s encouraged to share their knowledge based on experience. You can use any or all the prompts relevant to you below to share info in an easy-to-read format. Pictures/screen grabs, if put in spoilers, are welcome!
For all...
- What book/s on pregnancy/motherhood/maternity/parenting do you own/have you read?
What about that the book/s drew you to it/them?
- What would you like to share about those you've read/started to read?
- Any books on your radar that you don't own yet that you're hoping to get your hands on? Why?
For STM/STM+...
- Is there ONE pregnancy/motherhood/maternity/parenting book you'd recommend---if so, which?
Any books you recommend avoiding/why?
To view the upcoming PSS schedule, based off of S19's, see here:
March 2020 PSS Spreadsheet!
To make a suggestions having to do w/ the PSS, leave a comment on the spreadsheet itself OR reply to the board organization thread.
Re: Product Spotlight: Pregnancy Books
Would definitely, definitely recommend Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood - and Trusting Yourself and Your Body - Erica Chidi Cohen. She's a doula and approaches birth in a thoughtful, intersectional way. Also has a great IG @ericachidicohen.
Also recommend:
Common Sense Pregnancy by Jeanne Faulker (from an RN perspective, great, info-based advice especially regarding labor/birth)
The Informed Parent by Tara Haelle, Emily Willingham PhD (similar to Expecting Better, but less helpful for pregnancy -- it basically only covers home births and first vaccines, etc).
I didn't mind Mama Natural, it's super crunchy, but I liked a lot of it with a huge grain of salt.
For parenting (with the preface that I love parenting books that highlight what other cultures do too):
Bringing Up Bebe - Pamela Druckerman
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Having Kids - Jancee Dunn (hilarious and great)
There Is No Such Thing As Bad Weather - Linda Akeson McGurk
French Kids Eat Everything - Karen Le Billion (so many interesting ideas about food + culture)
Achtung Baby - Sara Zaske
All Joy and No Fun - Jennifer Senior
Act Natural - Jennifer Traig (this is less parenting book and more a super interesting anthropology book)
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen - Joanna Faber
Weird Parenting Wins - Hillary Frank (podcast: Longest Shortest Time)
Parenting With Love and Logic - Foster Cline (my Montessori friends love this one)
And on my to-read list:
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn - Penny Simkin
Cribsheet - Emily Oster
ETA to add "@" for tag.