1) Poetry 2) DH 3) My Mom 4) My BFFs 5) When my dogs are being well-behaved or at least not monsters when we have guests over 6) Flavored Seltzers 7) That press conference Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar & AOC held yesterday 8) My TB friends from other groups that I miss already/are still keeping up with me 9) The fact that a check we've been waiting to clear will clear today & I can pay some billz 10) Whoever introduced me to the PGAL mantra back in Jan.: Today I am pregnant--today I am happy
1) DH and my boys 2) My mom here to watch the boys while I work (and help around the house) 3) My Aug15 BMB mom group still going strong on FB 4) The extra hour of sleep DH let me have this morning after taking DS2 out of our bed when he woke up 5) Green tea 6) Fun weekend plans to look forward to 7) A job that lets me and DH work from home 8) Coworkers that I can commiserate with 9) IRL friends to play D&D and board games with 10) Comfy PJs because WFH means I rarely wear real clothes lol
1) My daughter 2) My parents, who are babysitting for us this weekend so we can go to a friend’s birthday celebration 3) My F16 BMB pals for being amazing 4) my husband 5) Air conditioning!! 6) My health/staying active 7) My students 8) Music 9) My garden. Tomatoes coming soon!! 10) Play dates with mom friends
I need more gratitude in my life. I'm such a cynic by nature that I tend to be too negative.
1. DS (duh) 2. DH - he's not perfect, but he's really, really amazing 3. The cooler weather today 4. A very flexible job that lets me bump all the time 5. My lifetime TB friends 6. Increasing nausea that's making me feel better about this pregnancy 7. The Free Beer & Hot Wings morning show that always puts me in a good mood or at least makes me laugh 8. Farmers' Markets that are starting soon 9. A full(ish) night of sleep since DS STTN! 10. Our Dyson stick vacuum because right now DS LOVES LOVES LOVES vacuuming, and if we had a big bulky vacuum it would be much harder to fulfill all of his vacuuming dreams on a regular basis .
1. My kids, though they're driving me bananas being home from the summer they're a constant reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment. 2. My hubby, without whom I could not do anything which leads me to... 3. That DH is the SAHparent. I love that someone is home with our kids and we don't have to pay for childcare all summer. 4. Air conditioning in this ridiculous heat 5. A job that I LOVE 6. The roof over our heads and food on our tables 7. Zofran, Zofran, Zofran. Modern medicine at its finest! 8. Carbohydrates! 9. My amazing support system of friends. 10. A reminder that @kagesstarshroom posted. Tday I am pregnant, today I am happy. Needed that today.
| DH 29 - Me 26 - Married 2007 | 2 Kids - 2 Fur Babies |Baby #3 Due July 2015 |
@stassischroeder I was debating getting that stick vacuum. I shed a lot, so I feel like I need a strong vacuum that is made to get pet hair and wasn’t sure if that had enough suction power.
1. DS 2. DH 3. That I’m pregnant 4. That we’re on vacation 5. That DS has been such a sweetheart in the car (so far) 6. Our hopeful afternoon hike 7. The good weather on our trip so far 8. That I remembered our cooler 9. Toddler giggles 10. That we are only 10 min from our next hotel after a 5 hour drive
1) my wife - She's amazing. For example, has cleaned all cat litter for 9 years. Keeps our yard amazing and does more than her fair share of the most strenous housekeeping.
2) my 3 cats
3) Today, I'm pregnant and happy
4) picking out things I will buy if I get further along. I love shopping
5) AC and that my office is decently cooled today
6) cake frosting
7) fused glass - it's my hobby and relaxes me
8) Judge Judy
9) books - in the middle of Game of Thrones series, a mystery and a romance novel currently.
I love this-but I think the hormones are running strong today because I feel like I might cry lol.
1. My husband 2. My two sweet cats who have been cuddling me all day. 3. My brother and his flight benefits-which made it possible for me to travel home to tell my mom I'm pregnant. 4. Our apartment has a pool! 5. Summer break! 6. My job that I'm super excited to go back to even though I'm loving summer break. 7. My super supportive family and in-laws 8. Donuts. 9. My fabulous friends. 10. The little person growing away in my belly
1. This place. 2. Starbucks white tea guava lemonade. 3. My two kids (even if they drive me nuts). 4. That I am pregnant. 5. That my nausea is getting worse (because it makes me feel safe). 6. Sushi (making homemade veggie sushi tonight) 7. My BFF who is also KU and we get to swap stories. 8. Fruit. 9. Popsicles for breakfast 10. The three hour nap I took this morning with DS because sleep was nonexistent last night.
@silverhope I adore our Dyson stick vacuum! We have the animal version, and it's one of the best investments we ever made. There are 3 levels of suction, the lowest is great for vacuuming pet hair off of furniture without sucking the upholstery fabric into the machine lol, the middle is great for most every day stuff, and the highest will suck your carpet off of your floor
Also, I forgot #11: tater tots. I just had some for lunch and i think they were the best thing I've ever eaten in my life.
1. DH being so excited about his prime day “deals”. He’s such a sucker. 2. DS1 wearing his hat backwards and calling his “cool dude” hat. 3. DS2 grabbing my face and saying, “You’re my sweetest mommy.” ::melt:: 4. Rewatching The Office 5. That my fish didn’t thaw in time, so I’m not cooking and we’re having hot dogs. 6. The cute succulent doormat I got for $8 yesterday. 7. Symptoms that encourage me about the health of this pregnancy. 8. Marco Polo with my BFFs. 9. Nathan Pyle Strange Planet 10. The books I’m reading.
@stassischroeder I saw a post on FB the other day of a mom who threw her kid a vacuum birthday party! It was awesome!
OMG this might be the best thing I’ve heard all week! If DS is still into vacuums when he turns two, we’re totally doing this! Well, it would be a combo vacuum and riding lawnmower party 😂
@stassischroeder We are also a riding lawnmower loving family. We have to pull over and analyze every mower we see. Went to Home Depot one night and DS literally had to sit on every single mower they had on display out front. Also, craving tator tots now.
@RanFan28 Reading anything good right now? I'm always looking for recommendations.
1. DH- I came home to a super clean house today which was a total surprise. 2. DS- Because duh. He insists on trying to hold doors open for me now and it is just the sweetest thing. 3. The insurance rep who told me today that my politeness was a "breath of fresh air" after the morning she had prior to my call. 4. Air conditioning. And fans. I'd sleep in an icebox if I could. 5. Being able to WFH part of the week. 6. My daycare provider who loves DS like he is hers. It is so comforting knowing how well he is being cared for when I am at work. 7. My dog, Wrigley- She is just my constant companion and being around her makes me feel better. 8. Much needed vacation in 1 week! 9. Spaghetti leftovers. 10. My big bed with all of my comfy pillows. Which is calling my name!
1. DS - The past few days he's started getting into Mickey Mouse, and the way he says his name is sooo cute! 2. DH - He's been way more helpful around the house lately. 3. Today I am pregnant, today I am happy. 4. This group 5. Air conditioning 6. Schitt's Creek binge watching 7. Free ice cream bar at work today! 8. Having a gift card to cover some groceries today 9. Awesome co-workers. 10. Our fave taco place is opening a new location on my street today!!!!
@MrsVP614 Tacos are life and Schitts Creek is so funny. (Though I could do with less f words, I feel like it got worse as the seasons when on.)
@alyssajr22 I’m reading The Road Back to You, a book about the Enneagram, and None Like Him, which is a Christian book on the Character of God — I’m sort of on a journey of self discovery this summer so my books are part of that, and Christian, which puts them in a very specific genre, but they are making me happy! 😂😂
Re: Ten Things Tuesday 7/16/19
1) Poetry
2) DH
3) My Mom
4) My BFFs
5) When my dogs are being well-behaved or at least not monsters when we have guests over
6) Flavored Seltzers
7) That press conference Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar & AOC held yesterday
8) My TB friends from other groups that I miss already/are still keeping up with me
9) The fact that a check we've been waiting to clear will clear today & I can pay some billz
10) Whoever introduced me to the PGAL mantra back in Jan.: Today I am pregnant--today I am happy
2) My mom here to watch the boys while I work (and help around the house)
3) My Aug15 BMB mom group still going strong on FB
4) The extra hour of sleep DH let me have this morning after taking DS2 out of our bed when he woke up
5) Green tea
6) Fun weekend plans to look forward to
7) A job that lets me and DH work from home
8) Coworkers that I can commiserate with
9) IRL friends to play D&D and board games with
10) Comfy PJs because WFH means I rarely wear real clothes lol
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
1) My daughter
2) My parents, who are babysitting for us this weekend so we can go to a friend’s birthday celebration
3) My F16 BMB pals for being amazing
4) my husband
5) Air conditioning!!
6) My health/staying active
7) My students
8) Music
9) My garden. Tomatoes coming soon!!
10) Play dates with mom friends
1. DS (duh)
2. DH - he's not perfect, but he's really, really amazing
3. The cooler weather today
4. A very flexible job that lets me bump all the time
5. My lifetime TB friends
6. Increasing nausea that's making me feel better about this pregnancy
7. The Free Beer & Hot Wings morning show that always puts me in a good mood or at least makes me laugh
8. Farmers' Markets that are starting soon
9. A full(ish) night of sleep since DS STTN!
10. Our Dyson stick vacuum because right now DS LOVES LOVES LOVES vacuuming, and if we had a big bulky vacuum it would be much harder to fulfill all of his vacuuming dreams on a regular basis
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
1. My kids, though they're driving me bananas being home from the summer they're a constant reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment.
2. My hubby, without whom I could not do anything which leads me to...
3. That DH is the SAHparent. I love that someone is home with our kids and we don't have to pay for childcare all summer.
4. Air conditioning in this ridiculous heat
5. A job that I LOVE
6. The roof over our heads and food on our tables
7. Zofran, Zofran, Zofran. Modern medicine at its finest!
8. Carbohydrates!
9. My amazing support system of friends.
10. A reminder that @kagesstarshroom posted. Tday I am pregnant, today I am happy. Needed that today.
1. DS
2. DH
3. That I’m pregnant
4. That we’re on vacation
5. That DS has been such a sweetheart in the car (so far)
6. Our hopeful afternoon hike
7. The good weather on our trip so far
8. That I remembered our cooler
9. Toddler giggles
10. That we are only 10 min from our next hotel after a 5 hour drive
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
1. My husband
2. My two sweet cats who have been cuddling me all day.
3. My brother and his flight benefits-which made it possible for me to travel home to tell my mom I'm pregnant.
4. Our apartment has a pool!
5. Summer break!
6. My job that I'm super excited to go back to even though I'm loving summer break.
7. My super supportive family and in-laws
8. Donuts.
9. My fabulous friends.
10. The little person growing away in my belly
2. Starbucks white tea guava lemonade.
3. My two kids (even if they drive me nuts).
4. That I am pregnant.
5. That my nausea is getting worse (because it makes me feel safe).
6. Sushi (making homemade veggie sushi tonight)
7. My BFF who is also KU and we get to swap stories.
8. Fruit.
9. Popsicles for breakfast
10. The three hour nap I took this morning with DS because sleep was nonexistent last night.
Also, I forgot #11: tater tots. I just had some for lunch and i think they were the best thing I've ever eaten in my life.
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
2. DS1 wearing his hat backwards and calling his “cool dude” hat.
3. DS2 grabbing my face and saying, “You’re my sweetest mommy.” ::melt::
4. Rewatching The Office
5. That my fish didn’t thaw in time, so I’m not cooking and we’re having hot dogs.
6. The cute succulent doormat I got for $8 yesterday.
7. Symptoms that encourage me about the health of this pregnancy.
8. Marco Polo with my BFFs.
9. Nathan Pyle Strange Planet
10. The books I’m reading.
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
@RanFan28 Reading anything good right now? I'm always looking for recommendations.
@kagesstarshroom Best mantra ever. I will be using this!
1. DH- I came home to a super clean house today which was a total surprise.
2. DS- Because duh. He insists on trying to hold doors open for me now and it is just the sweetest thing.
3. The insurance rep who told me today that my politeness was a "breath of fresh air" after the morning she had prior to my call.
4. Air conditioning. And fans. I'd sleep in an icebox if I could.
5. Being able to WFH part of the week.
6. My daycare provider who loves DS like he is hers. It is so comforting knowing how well he is being cared for when I am at work.
7. My dog, Wrigley- She is just my constant companion and being around her makes me feel better.
8. Much needed vacation in 1 week!
9. Spaghetti leftovers.
10. My big bed with all of my comfy pillows. Which is calling my name!
2. DH - He's been way more helpful around the house lately.
3. Today I am pregnant, today I am happy.
4. This group
5. Air conditioning
6. Schitt's Creek binge watching
7. Free ice cream bar at work today!
8. Having a gift card to cover some groceries today
9. Awesome co-workers.
10. Our fave taco place is opening a new location on my street today!!!!
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
@alyssajr22 I’m reading The Road Back to You, a book about the Enneagram, and None Like Him, which is a Christian book on the Character of God — I’m sort of on a journey of self discovery this summer so my books are part of that, and Christian, which puts them in a very specific genre, but they are making me happy! 😂😂
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
Maybe I’ll get the dyson stick for Cyber Monday now ha.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20